benchmark.c 6.77 KB
#define ENABLE_DEBUG (1)
#include "debug.h"

#include "benchmark.h"

#include "xtimer.h"
#include <time.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "net/loramac.h"
#include "semtech_loramac.h"
#include "loramac_utils.h"
#include "app_clock.h"

#include <random.h>

// Count the number of elements in an array.
//#define CNT(array) (uint8_t)(sizeof(array) / sizeof(*array))

#define PAYLOAD_LEN	256

static uint8_t payload[PAYLOAD_LEN];

// Encode message data to the payload.
unsigned int encode_benchmark(uint8_t *payload, unsigned int len, uint8_t power, uint8_t dr)

	// reset the payload

	if(len < sizeof(2 * sizeof(uint8_t))) {
		return 0;

	unsigned int i = 0;

	// Encode txpower.
	payload[i++] = power;
    // Encode datarate.
	payload[i++] = dr;

	// TODO add FCNT, RSSI, LSNR of the last downlink.

	return i;

void benchmark_start(semtech_loramac_t *loramac, struct benchmark_t benchmark, unsigned int (*encode_sensors)(uint8_t*, const unsigned int)) {

    // Start benchmark
    DEBUG("[ftd] Start benchmark\n");

    /* set ADR flag */
    semtech_loramac_set_adr(loramac, benchmark.adr);

    uint8_t port = benchmark.min_port;
    uint32_t cpt = 0;
    while (1)
        port = benchmark.min_port + ((port + 1 - benchmark.min_port) % (benchmark.max_port - benchmark.min_port));

        int i;
        uint8_t dr;
        uint8_t power;
        uint8_t size;

        DEBUG("[ftd] New benchmark sequence: port=%d\n", port);

        for( i=0 ; i < benchmark.drpwsz_sequence_nb  ; i++) {


            dr = benchmark.drpwsz_sequence[3*i];
            power = benchmark.drpwsz_sequence[3*i+1];
            size = benchmark.drpwsz_sequence[3*i+2];

            // TODO uint32_t devaddr = devaddrs[cpt%ARRAYSIZE(devaddrs)];
            uint32_t devaddr = benchmark.devaddr + (cpt%benchmark.nb_virtual_devices);

        	DEBUG("[ftd] Send @ devaddr=%lx port=%d dr=%d txpower=%d size=%d\n", devaddr, port, dr, power, size);

        	unsigned int len = encode_benchmark(payload, size, power, dr);

        	len = encode_sensors(payload + len, size - len);

            // WARNING : If LORAMAC_TX_CNF, the firmware is blocked when the network server does not confirmed the message
            //semtech_loramac_set_tx_mode(loramac, benchmark.txconfirmed ? LORAMAC_TX_CNF : LORAMAC_TX_UNCNF);

            /* send the LoRaWAN message */
        	if(dr == 0xff) {
        	    semtech_loramac_set_adr(loramac, true);
        	} else {
        	    semtech_loramac_set_adr(loramac, false);
        		semtech_loramac_set_dr(loramac, dr);

            semtech_loramac_set_tx_port(loramac, port);
            semtech_loramac_set_tx_power(loramac, power);

            semtech_loramac_set_devaddr(loramac, (uint8_t*)&devaddr);

            uint8_t ret = semtech_loramac_send(loramac, payload, size);

            if (ret != SEMTECH_LORAMAC_TX_DONE) {
                DEBUG("[ftd] ERROR: Cannot send payload: ret code: %d (%s)\n", ret, loramac_utils_err_message(ret));
            } else {
            	DEBUG("[ftd] Tx Done ret=%d\n", ret);


            // send a APP_TIME_REQ request every APP_TIME_REQ_PERIOD message
            if(cpt%APP_TIME_REQ_PERIOD == 0) {
            	// keep the current MAC configuration
                //semtech_loramac_set_tx_mode(loramac, LORAMAC_TX_CNF);


        /* sleep tx_period secs */
        // TODO introduire un alea de quelques secondes dans la tx_period pour éviter que des endpoints qui redémarrent ensemble se brouillent les uns les autres.
        // TODO verifier que la tx_period est compatible avec le DC (sinon, le Tx retourne le code=13)
        xtimer_usleep(*benchmark.tx_period * 1000000 + random_uint32_range (0, NEXT_BENCHMARK_RANDOM * 1000000));


    /* this should never be reached */

void jmf_start(semtech_loramac_t *loramac, struct benchmark_t benchmark) {

    // Start benchmark
    DEBUG("[jmf] Hello\r\n");

    /* set ADR flag */
    semtech_loramac_set_adr(loramac, benchmark.adr);
    uint8_t dr=5;
    uint8_t power=14;
    uint8_t size=5;
    uint8_t port = benchmark.min_port;
    char jmf_c;
    uint32_t devaddr = benchmark.devaddr ;
    port = benchmark.min_port + ((port + 1 - benchmark.min_port) % (benchmark.max_port - benchmark.min_port));
    semtech_loramac_set_adr(loramac, true);
    semtech_loramac_set_dr(loramac, dr);

    semtech_loramac_set_tx_port(loramac, port);
    semtech_loramac_set_tx_power(loramac, power);

    semtech_loramac_set_devaddr(loramac, (uint8_t*)&devaddr);

    while (1)
	    jmf_c =getchar();
	    /*if ((jmf_c>32)&&(jmf_c<127))
	        {DEBUG("%c", jmf_c);}
            {DEBUG("%d", jmf_c);}*/

        //unsigned int len=8; //  = encode_benchmark(payload, size, power, dr);
        if (jmf_c == 'S' || jmf_c == 'T') { // 0x53 = S et 0x54 = T
			if (jmf_c == 'S') 
			else if (jmf_c == 'T') 

        // WARNING : If LORAMAC_TX_CNF, the firmware is blocked when the network server does not confirmed the message
        //semtech_loramac_set_tx_mode(loramac, benchmark.txconfirmed ? LORAMAC_TX_CNF : LORAMAC_TX_UNCNF);
            /* send the LoRaWAN message */
            uint8_t ret = semtech_loramac_send(loramac, payload, size);
            //uint8_t ret = semtech_loramac_send(loramac, payload, size);
            //DEBUG("[jmf] Send @ devaddr=%lx port=%d dr=%d txpower=%d size=%d\r\n", devaddr, port, dr, power, size);

            if (ret != SEMTECH_LORAMAC_TX_DONE) 
                {DEBUG("[ftd] ERROR: Cannot send payload: ret code: %d (%s)\n", ret, loramac_utils_err_message(ret));}
         /*   else 
            	{DEBUG("[ftd] Tx Done ret=%d\r\n", ret);}  */

         } else DEBUG("\r\n");

            // send a APP_TIME_REQ request every APP_TIME_REQ_PERIOD message
            if(cpt%APP_TIME_REQ_PERIOD == 0) {
            	// keep the current MAC configuration
                //semtech_loramac_set_tx_mode(loramac, LORAMAC_TX_CNF);

         //sleep tx_period secs 
        // TODO introduire un alea de quelques secondes dans la tx_period pour éviter que des endpoints qui redémarrent ensemble se brouillent les uns les autres.
        // TODO verifier que la tx_period est compatible avec le DC (sinon, le Tx retourne le code=13)
        xtimer_usleep(*benchmark.tx_period * 1000000 + random_uint32_range (0, NEXT_BENCHMARK_RANDOM * 1000000));


     //this should never be reached */