app_clock.h 7.46 KB
 * app_clock.h
 * Implementation of LoRaWAN Application Layer Clock Synchronization v1.0.0 Specification
 * LoRaWAN® Application Layer Clock Synchronization Specification, authored by the FUOTA Working Group of the
 * LoRa Alliance® Technical Committee, proposes an application layer messaging package running over LoRaWAN®
 * to synchronize the real-time clock of an end-device to the network’s GPS clock with second accuracy.
 * This package is useful for end-devices which do not have access to other accurate time source.
 * An end-device using LoRaWAN 1.1 or above SHOULD use DeviceTimeReq MAC command instead of this package.
 * ClassB end-devices have a more efficient way of synchronizing their clock, the classB network beacon. They
 * SHOULD NOT use this package and directly use the beacon time information.
 * End-devices with an accurate external clock source (e.g.: GPS) SHOULD use that clock source instead.
 * Remark: Since GPS clock sources can be jammed or spoofed, this package can be used for secure time distribution.

 * @ingroup     pkg_lorawan_app_clock
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Implementation of Implementation of LoRaWAN Application Layer Clock Synchronization v1.0.0 Specification.
 * @author      Didier Donsez <>
 * @}

#ifndef APP_CLOCK_H_
#define APP_CLOCK_H_

#include <inttypes.h>
#include "semtech_loramac.h"

// Comment the following define for removing experimental CID

#define APP_CLOCK_PORT								(uint8_t) 202  // Application Layer Clock

// Server : Used by the AS to request the package version implemented by the end-device
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_PackageVersionReq							(uint8_t)0x00
// Endpoint : Conveys the answer to PackageVersionReq
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_PackageVersionAns							(uint8_t)0x00
// Endpoint : Used by end-device to request clock correction
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_AppTimeReq								(uint8_t)0x01
// Server : Conveys the clock timing correction
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_AppTimeAns								(uint8_t)0x01
// Server =  Used by the application server for 2 purposes: Set the periodicity at which the end- device shall transmit AppTimeReq messages and request an immediate transmission of end-device time
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_DeviceAppTimePeriodicityReq				(uint8_t)0x02
// Endpoint
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_DeviceAppTimePeriodicityAns				(uint8_t)0x02
// Server: Used by the application server to the end-device to trigger a clock resynchronization
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_ForceDeviceResyncReq						(uint8_t)0x03

// Server: (eXperimental) Used by the application server to the end-device to set the endpoint clock
#define X_APP_CLOCK_CID_AppTimeSetReq							(uint8_t)0xFE

 * 3.1 PackageVersionReq & Ans

// No PackageVersionReq struct
typedef struct {
	 * PackageIdentifier uniquely identifies the package. For the “clock synchronization package”
	 * this identifier is 1.
	unsigned int PackageIdentifier :8;
	 * PackageVersion corresponds to the version of the package specification implemented by the
	 * end-device
	unsigned int PackageVersion :8;
} __attribute__((packed)) APP_CLOCK_PackageVersionAns_t;

 * 3.2 AppTimeReq & Ans
typedef struct {
	 * DeviceTime is the current end-device clock and is expressed as the time in seconds
	 * since 180 00:00:00, Sunday 6th of January 1980 (start of the GPS epoch) modulo 2^32.
	unsigned int DeviceTime :32;
	 * TokenReq is a 4 bits counter initially set to 0. TokenReq is incremented (modulo 16) each time the end-device receives and processes successfully an AppTimeAns message.
	unsigned int TokenReq :4;
	// If the AnsRequired bit is set to 1 the end-device expects an answer whether its clock is well
	// synchronized or not. If this bit is set to 0, this signals to the AS that it only needs to answer if
	// the end-device clock is de-synchronized.
	unsigned int AnsRequired :1;
	unsigned int RFU :3;
} __attribute__((packed)) APP_CLOCK_AppTimeReq_t;

typedef struct {
	 * TimeCorrection is a signed 32-bit integer, stipulating the time delta correction in seconds.
	int TimeCorrection :32;
	 * TokenReq is a 4 bits counter initially set to 0. TokenReq is incremented (modulo 16) each time the end-device receives and processes successfully an AppTimeAns message.
	unsigned int TokenAns :4;
	unsigned int RFU :4;
} __attribute__((packed)) APP_CLOCK_AppTimeAns_t;

typedef struct {
	 * Period encodes the periodicity of the AppTimeReq transmissions. The actual periodicity in
	 * seconds is 128*2^𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 ±𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑(30) where 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑(30) is a random integer in the +/-30sec
	 * range varying with each transmission.
	unsigned int Period :4;
	unsigned int RFU :4;
} __attribute__((packed)) APP_CLOCK_DeviceAppTimePeriodicityReq_t;

typedef struct {
	 * NotSupported bit is set to 1 if the end-device’s application does not accept a periodicity set
	 * by the application server and manages the clock synchronization process and periodicity
	 * itself.
	unsigned int NotSupported :1;
	unsigned int RFU :7;
	 * Time is the current end-device’s clock time captured immediately before the transmission of
	 * the radio message.
	unsigned int Time :32;
} __attribute__((packed)) APP_CLOCK_DeviceAppTimePeriodicityAns_t;

typedef struct {
	 * The end-device responds by sending up to NbTransmissions AppTimeReq messages
	 * with the AnsRequired bit set to 0.
	 * The end-device stops re-transmissions of the AppTimeReq if a valid AppTimeAns is received.
	 * If the NbTransmissions field is 0, the command SHALL be silently discarded.
	 * The delay between consecutive transmissions of the AppTimeReq is application specific.
	unsigned int NbTransmissions :3;
	unsigned int RFU :5;
} __attribute__((packed)) APP_CLOCK_ForceDeviceResyncReq_t;

typedef struct {
	 *  TimeToSet is the time for setting the end-device clock and is expressed as the time in seconds
	 * since 180 00:00:00, Sunday 6th of January 1980 (start of the GPS epoch) modulo 2^32.
	unsigned int TimeToSet :32;
} __attribute__((packed)) X_APP_CLOCK_AppTimeSetReq_t;

#define APP_CLOCK_OK							(int8_t)0
#define APP_CLOCK_ERROR_OVERFLOW				(int8_t)-1
#define APP_CLOCK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED				(int8_t)-2
#define APP_CLOCK_UNKNOWN_CID					(int8_t)-3
#define APP_CLOCK_BAD_TOKEN						(int8_t)-4
#define APP_CLOCK_CID_ALREADY_PROCESS			(int8_t)-5
#define APP_CLOCK_TX_KO							(int8_t)-6
#define APP_CLOCK_TX_RETRY_LATER				(int8_t)-7

 * Print the RTC time
extern void app_clock_print_rtc(void);

 * Process the payload of APP_CLOCK downlink frame
 * @param loramac the LoRaMac context
extern int8_t app_clock_process_downlink(semtech_loramac_t *loramac);

 * Send a uplink frame with a APP_TIME_REQ paylaod
 * @param loramac the LoRaMac context
extern int8_t app_clock_send_app_time_req(semtech_loramac_t *loramac);

 * Send a uplink frame with a payload built by the app_clock_process_downlink function.
 * @param loramac the LoRaMac context
extern int8_t app_clock_send_buffer(semtech_loramac_t *loramac);

 * Check if the payload built by the app_clock_process_downlink function had to be sent.
 * @param loramac the LoRaMac context
extern bool app_clock_is_pending_buffer(void);

#endif /* APP_CLOCK_H_ */