umf4hb.out 6.2 KB
Matrix key: WEST0067                      
UMFPACK V5.1.0 (May 31, 2007), Control:
    Matrix entry defined as: double
    Int (generic integer) defined as: int

    0: print level: 2
    1: dense row parameter:    0.2
        "dense" rows have    > max (16, (0.2)*16*sqrt(n_col) entries)
    2: dense column parameter: 0.2
        "dense" columns have > max (16, (0.2)*16*sqrt(n_row) entries)
    3: pivot tolerance: 0.1
    4: block size for dense matrix kernels: 32
    5: strategy: 0 (auto)
    6: initial allocation ratio: 0.7
    7: max iterative refinement steps: 2
    12: 2-by-2 pivot tolerance: 0.01
    13: Q fixed during numerical factorization: 0 (auto)
    14: AMD dense row/col parameter:    10
       "dense" rows/columns have > max (16, (10)*sqrt(n)) entries
        Only used if the AMD ordering is used.
    15: diagonal pivot tolerance: 0.001
        Only used if diagonal pivoting is attempted.
    16: scaling: 1 (divide each row by sum of abs. values in each row)
    17: frontal matrix allocation ratio: 0.5
    18: drop tolerance: 0
    19: AMD and COLAMD aggressive absorption: 1 (yes)

    The following options can only be changed at compile-time:
    8: BLAS library used:  Fortran BLAS.  size of BLAS integer: 4
    9: compiled for ANSI C
    10: CPU timer is POSIX times ( ) routine.
    11: compiled for normal operation (debugging disabled)
    computer/operating system: Linux
    size of int: 4 UF_long: 8 Int: 4 pointer: 8 double: 8 Entry: 8 (in bytes)

symbolic analysis:
   status:     0.
   time:      0.00E+00 (sec)
   estimates (upper bound) for numeric LU:
   size of LU:          0.02 (MB)
   memory needed:       0.06 (MB)
   flop count:      0.14E+05
   nnz (L):             542.
   nnz (U):             902.
numeric factorization:
   status:     0.
   time:      0.00E+00
   actual numeric LU statistics:
   size of LU:          0.01 (MB)
   memory needed:       0.04 (MB)
   flop count:      0.25E+04
   nnz (L):             323.
   nnz (U):             339.
UMFPACK V5.1.0 (May 31, 2007), Info:
    matrix entry defined as:          double
    Int (generic integer) defined as: int
    BLAS library used: Fortran BLAS.  size of BLAS integer: 4
    MATLAB:                           no.
    CPU timer:                        POSIX times ( ) routine.
    number of rows in matrix A:       67
    number of columns in matrix A:    67
    entries in matrix A:              294
    memory usage reported in:         8-byte Units
    size of int:                      4 bytes
    size of UF_long:                  8 bytes
    size of pointer:                  8 bytes
    size of numerical entry:          8 bytes

    strategy used:                    unsymmetric
    ordering used:                    colamd on A
    modify Q during factorization:    yes
    prefer diagonal pivoting:         no
    pivots with zero Markowitz cost:               1
    submatrix S after removing zero-cost pivots:
        number of "dense" rows:                    0
        number of "dense" columns:                 0
        number of empty rows:                      0
        number of empty columns                    0
        submatrix S not square or diagonal not preserved
    symbolic factorization defragmentations:       1
    symbolic memory usage (Units):                 1639
    symbolic memory usage (MBytes):                0.0
    Symbolic size (Units):                         252
    Symbolic size (MBytes):                        0
    symbolic factorization CPU time (sec):         0.00
    symbolic factorization wallclock time(sec):    0.00

    matrix scaled: yes (divided each row by sum of abs values in each row)
    minimum sum (abs (rows of A)):              1.00000e+00
    maximum sum (abs (rows of A)):              6.59006e+00

    symbolic/numeric factorization:      upper bound               actual      %
    variable-sized part of Numeric object:
        initial size (Units)                    1711                 1577    92%
        peak size (Units)                       6115                 3581    59%
        final size (Units)                      1628                  682    42%
    Numeric final size (Units)                  2108                 1129    54%
    Numeric final size (MBytes)                  0.0                  0.0    54%
    peak memory usage (Units)                   7476                 4942    66%
    peak memory usage (MBytes)                   0.1                  0.0    66%
    numeric factorization flops          1.41920e+04          2.50100e+03    18%
    nz in L (incl diagonal)                      542                  323    60%
    nz in U (incl diagonal)                      902                  339    38%
    nz in L+U (incl diagonal)                   1377                  595    43%
    largest front (# entries)                    483                   80    17%
    largest # rows in front                       21                   10    48%
    largest # columns in front                    23                   11    48%

    initial allocation ratio used:                 0.7
    # of forced updates due to frontal growth:     0
    nz in L (incl diagonal), if none dropped       323
    nz in U (incl diagonal), if none dropped       339
    number of small entries dropped                0
    nonzeros on diagonal of U:                     67
    min abs. value on diagonal of U:               2.74e-02
    max abs. value on diagonal of U:               2.28e+00
    estimate of reciprocal of condition number:    1.20e-02
    indices in compressed pattern:                 263
    numerical values stored in Numeric object:     599
    numeric factorization defragmentations:        1
    numeric factorization reallocations:           1
    costly numeric factorization reallocations:    0
    numeric factorization CPU time (sec):          0.00
    numeric factorization wallclock time (sec):    0.00

    solve flops:                                   1.19000e+03
    iterative refinement steps taken:              0
    iterative refinement steps attempted:          0
    solve CPU time (sec):                          0.00
    solve wall clock time (sec):                   0.00

    total symbolic + numeric + solve flops:        3.69100e+03

 norm (A*x-b):   0.
 norm (A*x-b):   0.
 norm (A*x-b):   0.