Contents.m 612 Bytes
%Contents of the AMD sparse matrix ordering package:
% amd2          - p = amd2 (A), the approximate minimum degree ordering of A
% amd_demo      - a demo of amd2, using the can_24 matrix
% amd_make      - to compile amd2 for use in MATLAB
% amd_install   - compile and install amd2 for use in MATLAB
% See also:  amd, amd2, colamd, symamd, colmmd, symmmd, umfpack
% Note that amd2 and the built-in amd function in MATLAB 7.3 and later are one
% and the same.
% Example:
%   p = amd2 (A) ;

% Copyright 1994-2007, Tim Davis, University of Florida,
% Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff. 

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