umfpack_get_lunz.c 1.62 KB
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/* === UMFPACK_get_lunz ===================================================== */
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* UMFPACK Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, CISE,                              */
/* Univ. of Florida.  All Rights Reserved.  See ../Doc/License for License.   */
/* web:                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    User-callable.  Determines the number of nonzeros in L and U, and the size
    of L and U.

#include "umf_internal.h"
#include "umf_valid_numeric.h"

    Int *lnz,
    Int *unz,
    Int *n_row,
    Int *n_col,
    Int *nz_udiag,
    void *NumericHandle
    NumericType *Numeric ;

    Numeric = (NumericType *) NumericHandle ;

    if (!UMF_valid_numeric (Numeric))
	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ;
    if (!lnz || !unz || !n_row || !n_col || !nz_udiag)
	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;

    *n_row = Numeric->n_row ;
    *n_col = Numeric->n_col ;

    /* number of nz's in L below diagonal, plus the unit diagonal of L */
    *lnz = Numeric->lnz + MIN (Numeric->n_row, Numeric->n_col) ;

    /* number of nz's in U above diagonal, plus nz's on diagaonal of U */
    *unz = Numeric->unz + Numeric->nnzpiv ;

    /* number of nz's on the diagonal */
    *nz_udiag = Numeric->nnzpiv ;

    return (UMFPACK_OK) ;