umf_symbolic_usage.c 1.46 KB
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/* === UMF_symbolic_usage =================================================== */
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* UMFPACK Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, CISE,                              */
/* Univ. of Florida.  All Rights Reserved.  See ../Doc/License for License.   */
/* web:                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Returns the final size of the Symbolic object, in Units */

#include "umf_internal.h"

GLOBAL double UMF_symbolic_usage
    Int n_row,
    Int n_col,
    Int nchains,
    Int nfr,
    Int esize,	    /* zero if no dense rows.  Otherwise, equal to the
		     * number of non-singleton, non-empty columns */
    Int prefer_diagonal
    double units ;

    units =
	DUNITS (SymbolicType, 1)	/* Symbolic structure */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_col+1)	/* Cperm_init, Cdeg */
	+ 2 * DUNITS (Int, n_row+1)	/* Rperm_init, Rdeg */
	+ 3 * DUNITS (Int, nchains+1)	/* Chain_ */
	+ 4 * DUNITS (Int, nfr+1) ;	/* Front_ */

    /* if dense rows are present */
    units += DUNITS (Int, esize) ;	/* Esize */

    /* for diagonal pivoting */
    if (prefer_diagonal)
	units += DUNITS (Int, n_col+1) ;    /* Diagonal_map */

    return (units) ;