test_matinv.f90 812 Bytes
program test_matinv
use fvn_linear
implicit none
integer(4), parameter :: n=3
integer(4) :: status,i
complex(8),dimension(n,n) :: m,im,prod
real(8),dimension(n,n) :: rtmp,itmp
character(len=80) :: fmreal,fmcmplx

fmcmplx='(3("(",f8.5,",",f8.5,")  "))'

! initialize pseudo random generator
call init_random_seed()
! fill real and imaginary part
call random_number(rtmp)
call random_number(itmp)
! create the complex matrix (fvn_i is defined in the fvn module)
write(*,*) "Matrix M"
do i=1,n
    write(*,fmcmplx) m(i,:)
end do

! Invertion
call fvn_matinv(n,m,im)
write(*,*) "Inverse of M"
do i=1,n
    write(*,fmcmplx) im(i,:)
end do

! Result should be identity matrix
write(*,*) "Product of M and inverse of M :"
do i=1,n
    write (*,fmcmplx) prod(i,:)
end do

end program