dcot.f 3.6 KB
double precision function dcot (x)
c may 1980 edition.   w. fullerton, c3, los alamos scientific lab.
      double precision x, cotcs(15), ainty, ainty2, pi2rec, sqeps,
     1  xmax, xmin, xsml, y, yrem, prodbg,  dint, dcsevl, d1mach,
     2  dexp, dlog, dsqrt
      external d1mach, dcsevl, initds
c series for cot        on the interval  0.          to  6.25000e-02
c                                        with weighted error   5.52e-34
c                                         log weighted error  33.26
c                               significant figures required  32.34
c                                    decimal places required  33.85
      data cot cs(  1) / +.2402591609 8295630250 9553617744 970 d+0    /
      data cot cs(  2) / -.1653303160 1500227845 4746025255 758 d-1    /
      data cot cs(  3) / -.4299839193 1724018935 6476228239 895 d-4    /
      data cot cs(  4) / -.1592832233 2754104602 3490851122 445 d-6    /
      data cot cs(  5) / -.6191093135 1293487258 8620579343 187 d-9    /
      data cot cs(  6) / -.2430197415 0726460433 1702590579 575 d-11   /
      data cot cs(  7) / -.9560936758 8000809842 7062083100 000 d-14   /
      data cot cs(  8) / -.3763537981 9458058041 6291539706 666 d-16   /
      data cot cs(  9) / -.1481665746 4674657885 2176794666 666 d-18   /
      data cot cs( 10) / -.5833356589 0366657947 7984000000 000 d-21   /
      data cot cs( 11) / -.2296626469 6464577392 8533333333 333 d-23   /
      data cot cs( 12) / -.9041970573 0748332671 9999999999 999 d-26   /
      data cot cs( 13) / -.3559885519 2060006400 0000000000 000 d-28   /
      data cot cs( 14) / -.1401551398 2429866666 6666666666 666 d-30   /
      data cot cs( 15) / -.5518004368 7253333333 3333333333 333 d-33   /
c pi2rec = 2/pi - 0.625
      data pi2rec / .01161977236 7581343075 5350534900 57 d0 /
      data nterms, xmax, xsml, xmin, sqeps /0, 4*0.d0 /
      if (nterms.ne.0) go to 10
      nterms = initds (cotcs, 15, 0.1*sngl(d1mach(3)) )
      xmax = 1.0d0/d1mach(4)
      xsml = dsqrt (3.0d0*d1mach(3))
      xmin = dexp (dmax1(dlog(d1mach(1)), -dlog(d1mach(2))) + 0.01d0)
      sqeps = dsqrt (d1mach(4))
 10   y = dabs(x)
      if (y.lt.xmin) call seteru (
     1  50hdcot    dabs(x) is zero or so small dcot overflows, 50, 2, 2)
      if (y.gt.xmax) call seteru (
     1  43hdcot    no precision because dabs(x) is big, 43, 3, 2)
c carefully compute y * (2/pi) = (aint(y) + rem(y)) * (.625 + pi2rec)
c = aint(.625*y) + rem(.625*y) + y*pi2rec  =  aint(.625*y) + z
c = aint(.625*y) + aint(z) + rem(z)
      ainty = dint (y)
      yrem = y - ainty
      prodbg = 0.625d0*ainty
      ainty = dint (prodbg)
      y = (prodbg-ainty) + 0.625d0*yrem + pi2rec*y
      ainty2 = dint (y)
      ainty = ainty + ainty2
      y = y - ainty2
      ifn = dmod (ainty, 2.0d0)
      if (ifn.eq.1) y = 1.0d0 - y
      if (dabs(x).gt.0.5d0 .and. y.lt.dabs(x)*sqeps) call seteru (
     1  72hdcot    answer lt half precision, abs(x) too big or x near n*
     2pi (n.ne.0), 72, 1, 1)
      if (y.gt.0.25d0) go to 20
      if (y.eq.0.0d0) call seteru (29hdcot    x is a multiple of pi,
     1  29, 4, 2)
      dcot = 1.0d0/y
      if (y.gt.xsml) dcot = (0.5d0 + dcsevl (32.0d0*y*y-1.d0, cotcs,
     1  nterms)) / y
      go to 40
 20   if (y.gt.0.5d0) go to 30
      dcot = (0.5d0 + dcsevl (8.d0*y*y-1.d0, cotcs, nterms))/(0.5d0*y)
      dcot = (dcot*dcot-1.d0)*0.5d0/dcot
      go to 40
 30   dcot = (0.5d0 + dcsevl (2.d0*y*y-1.d0, cotcs, nterms))/(.25d0*y)
      dcot = (dcot*dcot-1.d0)*0.5d0/dcot
      dcot = (dcot*dcot-1.d0)*0.5d0/dcot
 40   if (x.ne.0.d0) dcot = dsign (dcot, x)
      if (ifn.eq.1) dcot = -dcot