test_sparse.f90 979 Bytes
program test_sparse
use fvn_sparse
implicit none
integer(4), parameter :: nz=12
integer(4), parameter :: n=5
real(8),dimension(nz) :: A
real(8),dimension(n,n) :: As
integer(4),dimension(nz) :: Ti,Tj
real(8),dimension(n) :: B,x
integer(4) :: status,i
! Description of the matrix in triplet form
A = (/ 2.,3.,3.,-1.,4.,4.,-3.,1.,2.,2.,6.,1. /)
B = (/ 8., 45., -3., 3., 19./)
Ti = (/ 1,2,1,3,5,2,3,4,5,3,2,5 /)
Tj = (/ 1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,5,5 /)

! Reconstruction of the matrix in standard form
! just needed for printing the matrix here
do i=1,nz
end do
write(*,*) "Matrix in standard representation :"
do i=1,5
    write(*,'(5f8.4)') As(i,:)
end do
write(*,'("Right hand side :",5f8.4)') B

!specific routine that will be used here
!call fvn_di_sparse_solve(n,nz,A,Ti,Tj,B,x,status)
call fvn_di_sparse_solve(n,nz,A,Ti,Tj,B,x,status)
write(*,'("Solution :",5f8.4)') x
write(*,'("Product matrix Solution :",5f8.4)') matmul(As,x)
end program