PDH_doppler_mach-zender_eom_amont.py 3.91 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''Pound-Drever-Hall setup
   Mach-Zender with one photodiode

         ----- ---            ---
---------|EOM|-|\|------------|/|-----------(   )
 w_laser ----- ---            ---           cavity
                |              |
                |              |
                | -----       ---
                  -----       ---
                    ^          |
                    |          U
                    |          |
                    |          V
                    |          |   -----
                 (W_aom)       |---|LPF|--> eps_dop
                               V   -----
                               V   eps_pdh


from time import time
tic = time()

from sympy import *
from sympy.simplify.fu import *


E0, J0, J1, w_laser, w_pdh, w_aom, t = symbols('E0, J0, J1, omega_laser, Omega_pdh, Omega_aom, t', imaginary=False, real=True)
v_x, d_x = symbols('v_x, delta_x', imaginary=False, real=True)
c = symbols('c', imaginary=False, real=True)

#laser and phase-mod laser
E_laser = E0*exp(I*(w_laser*t))

E_aom_eom =                                  \
E0*(                                         \
  J0*exp(I*( ( w_laser+w_aom       )*t) )    \
+ J1*exp(I*( ( w_laser+w_aom+w_pdh )*t) )    \
- J1*exp(I*( ( w_laser+w_aom-w_pdh )*t) ) )

E_eom =                                \
E0*(                                   \
  J0*exp(I*( ( w_laser       )*t ) )   \
+ J1*exp(I*( ( w_laser+w_pdh )*t ) )   \
- J1*exp(I*( ( w_laser-w_pdh )*t ) ) )

#approximation of F(w) near a resonance
dnu, w_cav = symbols('delta_nu, omega_cav', imaginary=False, real=True)
def F(phi):
    dw = phi.diff(t) - w_cav
    return -(I/pi)*(dw/dnu)

#reflected phase-mod laser and dephased by doppler effect and by actuator
dx = v_x*t + d_x
E_ref =                                                 \
E0*(                                                    \
   F( w_laser*t - w_laser*(dx)/(2*pi*c) )               \
    *J0*exp( I*( (w_laser      )*t - 2*w_laser*dx/c ) ) \
+ -1*J1*exp( I*( (w_laser+w_pdh)*t - 2*w_laser*dx/c ) ) \
- -1*J1*exp( I*( (w_laser-w_pdh)*t - 2*w_laser*dx/c ) ) \

#optical mixer
E_mz = sqrt(2)/2 * E_aom_eom + sqrt(2)/2 * E_ref

#intensity of mixed wave
I_mz = abs(E_mz)**2
I_mz = expand(TR8(expand(expand_complex(I_mz))))

#Q demodulation of I_mz at Omega_aom for doppler error signal obtention
kphidop = symbols('k_phi_doppler', real=True)
eps_dop = 2 * kphidop * I_mz * cos(w_aom*t-pi/2)
eps_dop = expand(TR8(TR7(expand(eps_dop))))

#Q demodulation of I_mich at Omega_pdh for doppler error signal obtention
kphipdh = symbols('k_phi_pdh', real=True)
eps_pdh = 2 * kphipdh * eps_dop * cos(w_pdh*t)
eps_pdh = expand(TR8(TR7(expand(eps_pdh))))

toc = time()
print('Elapsed time : %fs'%(toc-tic))


### EOM sur un bras

eps_pdh =


eps_dop =

    2                 ⎛                  ω_laser⋅vₓ⎞    ⎛2⋅δₓ⋅ω_laser   2⋅ω_laser⋅t⋅vₓ⎞
  E₀ ⋅J₀ ⋅k_φ_doppler⋅⎜ω_laser - ω_cav - ──────────⎟⋅cos⎜──────────── + ──────────────⎟
                      ⎝                      c     ⎠    ⎝     c               c       ⎠
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

      2   2                ⎛  δₓ⋅ω_laser     ω_laser⋅t⋅vₓ⎞
+ 2⋅E₀ ⋅J₁ ⋅k_φ_doppler⋅sin⎜2⋅────────── + 2⋅────────────⎟
                           ⎝      c               c      ⎠
