poster_digital2017.tex 9.88 KB







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		\put(-45,25){\VeryHuge \gray {\bf{Digital Methods}} }%for Time \& Frequency Metrology}
		\put(-40,15){\VeryHuge \gray {\bf{for Time \& Frequency Metrology}} }
		\put(-70,7){\Large \black 
		P.-Y. Bourgeois, G. Goavec-Merou, J.-M. Friedt, C. Rocher, B. Marechal, A. Hugeat, Y. Gruson, B. Dubois, L. Groult, E. Rubiola}
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\noindent{\large {\bf Digital control}: stability (no influence of environment), reconfigurability (one
hardware, multiple algorithms/applications), flexibility (tune operating conditions
during operation)}

        \section*{\darkgray \huge \underline{Sampled-Data Systems T\&F Metrology}}\large

%--------1ere col
	%\section*{\darkgray Aims}
	High-precision digital methods and instrumentation.
	Mastering realtime RF signal processing
		\item Fully digital signal analysis, quantization, noise
		\item Servo controls
		\item Digital Lock-in amplifier% (regrouper)
		\item DDS \& PLL
		\item Time to Digital converters, Electronic counters
		\item Noise generators, \ldots
		\item GPS systems
		\item Software-defined Radio
		%\item Fully digital analyzers ($S_\varphi(f)$, $\sigma_y(\tau)$)
		\item \mbox{Fully digital analyzers (phase noise / frequency stability)}

 for the 
\mbox{Development tools for Research, Amateur Radio,}
\mbox{Education, Popularization; mainly Open-Source}

%Recherche, Radio-Amateurs, Enseignement et Vulgarisation
%--------2è col
	%\section*{\darkgray Fully Digital Phase Noise Measurement system with cross-correlation}
	\section*{Fully Digital Phase Noise Measurement system with cross-correlation}

			\item 4-ch cross correlation for improved rejection of the instrument background noise 
			\item 250 Msps Digital Down Conversion (demodulation with 128-coefficients sinc convolution decimation filter
with apodization)
			\item Algorithms under control / Full data flow processing


Results shown compare favorably to state-of-the-art devices

Potentially very high resolution counter

%--------3è col

Instrument noise floor @ 10 MHz (in units dB rad$^2$/Hz)


%Application to the
Measurement of a low-noise synthesizer


%2nd item


		\section*{SDR applied to Positioning systems (GNSS) / time transfer}
		 Software phase tracking of GPS signals -- beyond positioning, useful
for physical applications.

Home-made GPS receiver: 
Antenna + DVB-T dongle 
+ \texttt{gnss-sdr} + \texttt{GNURadio}

	\item Costas loop demodulation 
	\item Satellites identification 

by cross-correlation
	\item Phase tracking servo control %Correcteur de suivi de fréquence 
	        \section*{Short range RADAR}
System with high bandwidth ADC acquisition (125 MS/s) 

for passive wireless sensor interrogation
Efficient use of the dual 

CPU-FPGA  architecture: 

\item hard real time radio-frequency 

processing on FPGA

\item user interface and data 

communication on 

CPU running GNU/Linux

Application to sensor measurement: flexible algorithm able to adapt to 
measurement conditions (noise, moving target)

\vskip 100pt

%-------------------2nd part------------------------------------------------------------
\section*{\darkgray \huge \underline{Applications to Photonics Systems}}\large


\section*{Cryogenic Fabry-Pérot Silicon Cavity}

		\item Laser stabilization ($\nu$, $P$, $T$)
		\item Fiber link compensation
		\item DDS, I/Q demodulation, PID, NCO, \ldots
		\item network functionalities (GUI, analysis,
		\item[] SDR (\texttt{GNURadio}) \ldots)

\section*{Fully Digital Control of Optical Single-ion Clock}

	\item 4-laser stabilization
	\item $500$ $\mu K$ control for SHG modules
	\item Pulse programming



\subsection*{Ack: EquipeX Oscillator IMP, Région de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Labex FIRST-TF, ANR Mittic, CNES, SENSeOR

		\black contact: \gray
		\darkgray {\bf{\Large FEMTO-ST, Time \& Frequency dept.}} \\
		\gray \large 26, chemin de l'Epitaphe \\
		25\,000 Besan\c con

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