Commit f89a1f51993f79c3e95314b649f93f41d2a58bf7

Authored by bmarechal
1 parent b25b94030b
Exists in master

change highpass frequency corner

Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 0 deletions Side-by-side Diff

  1 +#!/usr/bin/octave-cli --persist
  2 +
  3 +filename = argv(){1};
  4 +col = eval(argv(){2});
  5 +mult = eval(argv(){3});
  6 +data.fs = eval(argv(){4});
  7 +
  8 +[b, a] = butter (3, data.fs/1000, "high");
  9 +
  10 +if length(col) == length(mult)
  11 + figure
  12 + hold all
  13 + grid on
  14 + cc = 'bkcgmry';
  15 + for i = [1:length(col)]
  16 + data.x = filter(b, a, load(filename)(:,col(i)).*mult(i))(floor(end/4):end);
  17 + N = length(data.x);
  18 + f = (data.fs/N)*((-(N-1)/2):((N-1)/2));
  19 + X = abs(fftshift(ifft(data.x)));
  20 + plot(f, X, cc(mod(i, length(cc))))
  21 + leg{i} = strcat(filename, ' col', num2str(col(i)));
  22 + hold on
  23 + end
  24 + legend(leg)
  25 + input("Press to continue...");
  26 +end
  27 +exit