Commit 5baab291d2dea7e38fb7776fe8bb652e4e73837d

Authored by William Daniau
1 parent a349cce983
Exists in master

Déplacement de fichiers, modification du Readme

Showing 5 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions Inline Diff

Templates améliorés pour zim 1 1 Templates améliorés pour zim
---------------------------- 2 2 ----------------------------
3 3
Description 4 4 Description
----------- 5 5 -----------
+ Headers décalés pour une meilleure identification de section 6 6 + Headers décalés pour une meilleure identification de section
+ verbatim coloré 7 7 + verbatim coloré
+ souligné souligné et pas surligné 8 8 + souligné souligné et pas surligné
+ magnifique export/print des tableaux ;-) 9 9 + magnifique export/print des tableaux ;-)
+ images centrées lors de l'export html (pas lors du print, cela permet de ne pas découper les images lors de l'impression) 10 10 + images centrées lors de l'export html (pas lors du print, cela permet de ne pas découper les images lors de l'impression)
+ coloration syntaxique des codes insérés lors de l'export/print 11 11 + coloration syntaxique des codes insérés lors de l'export/print
+ police 'serif' pour le print et 'sans serif' pour l'export html 12 12 + police 'serif' pour le print et 'sans serif' pour l'export html
13 + Icones pour la navigation
13 14
Installation 14 15 Installation
------------ 15 16 ------------
17 S'assurer que zim est bien complètement fermé.
Le contenu de ce dossier est à placer sous : 16 19 Le contenu de ce dossier est à placer sous :
$HOME/.local/share/zim/ 17 20 $HOME/.local/share/zim/
18 21
Le fichier style.conf est à placer sous : 19 22 Le fichier style.conf est à placer sous :
No preview for this file type
/* 1 File was deleted
Language: Matlab 2
Author: Denis Bardadym <> 3
Contributors: Eugene Nizhibitsky <>, Egor Rogov <> 4
Category: scientific 5
*/ 6
/* 8
Formal syntax is not published, helpful link: 9 10
*/ 11
hljs_octave = function(hljs) { 12
var TRANSPOSE_RE = '(\'|\\.\')+'; 14
var TRANSPOSE = { 15
relevance: 0, 16
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{ begin: TRANSPOSE_RE } 18
] 19
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return { 22
keywords: { 23
keyword: 24
'break case catch classdef continue else elseif end enumerated events for function ' + 25
'global if methods otherwise parfor persistent properties return spmd switch try while', 26
built_in: 27
'sin sind sinh asin asind asinh cos cosd cosh acos acosd acosh tan tand tanh atan ' + 28
'atand atan2 atanh sec secd sech asec asecd asech csc cscd csch acsc acscd acsch cot ' + 29
'cotd coth acot acotd acoth hypot exp expm1 log log1p log10 log2 pow2 realpow reallog ' + 30
'realsqrt sqrt nthroot nextpow2 abs angle complex conj imag real unwrap isreal ' + 31
'cplxpair fix floor ceil round mod rem sign airy besselj bessely besselh besseli ' + 32
'besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint ' + 33
/*'besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint gamma ' +*/ 34
'gammainc gammaln psi legendre cross dot factor isprime primes gcd lcm rat rats perms ' + 35
'nchoosek factorial cart2sph cart2pol pol2cart sph2cart hsv2rgb rgb2hsv zeros ones ' + 36
'eye repmat rand randn linspace logspace freqspace meshgrid accumarray size length ' + 37
'ndims numel disp isempty isequal isequalwithequalnans cat reshape diag blkdiag tril ' + 38
'triu fliplr flipud flipdim rot90 find sub2ind ind2sub bsxfun ndgrid permute ipermute ' + 39
'shiftdim circshift squeeze isscalar isvector ans eps realmax realmin pi i inf nan ' + 40
'isnan isinf isfinite j why compan gallery hadamard hankel hilb invhilb magic pascal ' + 41
'rosser toeplitz vander wilkinson max min nanmax nanmin mean nanmean type table ' + 42
'readtable writetable sortrows sort figure plot plot3 scatter scatter3 cellfun ' + 43
'legend intersect ismember procrustes hold num2cell ' 44
}, 45
illegal: '(//|"|#|/\\*|\\s+/\\w+)', 46
contains: [ 47
{ 48
className: 'function', 49
beginKeywords: 'function', end: '$', 50
contains: [ 51
{ 53
className: 'params', 54
variants: [ 55
{begin: '\\(', end: '\\)'}, 56
{begin: '\\[', end: '\\]'} 57
] 58
} 59
] 60
}, 61
{ 62
className: 'built_in', 63
begin: /true|false/, 64
relevance: 0, 65
starts: TRANSPOSE 66
}, 67
{ 68
begin: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' + TRANSPOSE_RE, 69
relevance: 0 70
}, 71
{ 72
className: 'number', 73
begin: hljs.C_NUMBER_RE, 74
relevance: 0, 75
starts: TRANSPOSE 76
}, 77
{ 78
className: 'string', 79
begin: '\'', end: '\'', 80
contains: [ 81
{begin: '\'\''}] 83
}, 84
{ 85
begin: /\]|}|\)/, 86
relevance: 0, 87
starts: TRANSPOSE 88
}, 89
{ 90
className: 'string', 91
begin: '"', end: '"', 92
contains: [ 93
{begin: '""'} 95
], 96
starts: TRANSPOSE 97
}, 98
hljs.COMMENT('^\\s*\\%\\{\\s*$', '^\\s*\\%\\}\\s*$'), 99
hljs.COMMENT('\\%', '$') 100
No preview for this file type
File was created 1 /*
2 Language: Matlab
3 Author: Denis Bardadym <>
4 Contributors: Eugene Nizhibitsky <>, Egor Rogov <>
5 Category: scientific
6 */
8 /*
9 Formal syntax is not published, helpful link:
11 */
12 hljs_octave = function(hljs) {
14 var TRANSPOSE_RE = '(\'|\\.\')+';
15 var TRANSPOSE = {
16 relevance: 0,
17 contains: [
18 { begin: TRANSPOSE_RE }
19 ]
20 };
22 return {
23 keywords: {
24 keyword:
25 'break case catch classdef continue else elseif end enumerated events for function ' +
26 'global if methods otherwise parfor persistent properties return spmd switch try while',
27 built_in:
28 'sin sind sinh asin asind asinh cos cosd cosh acos acosd acosh tan tand tanh atan ' +
29 'atand atan2 atanh sec secd sech asec asecd asech csc cscd csch acsc acscd acsch cot ' +
30 'cotd coth acot acotd acoth hypot exp expm1 log log1p log10 log2 pow2 realpow reallog ' +
31 'realsqrt sqrt nthroot nextpow2 abs angle complex conj imag real unwrap isreal ' +
32 'cplxpair fix floor ceil round mod rem sign airy besselj bessely besselh besseli ' +
33 'besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint ' +
34 /*'besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint gamma ' +*/
35 'gammainc gammaln psi legendre cross dot factor isprime primes gcd lcm rat rats perms ' +
36 'nchoosek factorial cart2sph cart2pol pol2cart sph2cart hsv2rgb rgb2hsv zeros ones ' +
37 'eye repmat rand randn linspace logspace freqspace meshgrid accumarray size length ' +
38 'ndims numel disp isempty isequal isequalwithequalnans cat reshape diag blkdiag tril ' +
39 'triu fliplr flipud flipdim rot90 find sub2ind ind2sub bsxfun ndgrid permute ipermute ' +
40 'shiftdim circshift squeeze isscalar isvector ans eps realmax realmin pi i inf nan ' +
41 'isnan isinf isfinite j why compan gallery hadamard hankel hilb invhilb magic pascal ' +
42 'rosser toeplitz vander wilkinson max min nanmax nanmin mean nanmean type table ' +
43 'readtable writetable sortrows sort figure plot plot3 scatter scatter3 cellfun ' +
44 'legend intersect ismember procrustes hold num2cell '
45 },
46 illegal: '(//|"|#|/\\*|\\s+/\\w+)',
47 contains: [
48 {
49 className: 'function',
50 beginKeywords: 'function', end: '$',
51 contains: [
53 {
54 className: 'params',
55 variants: [
56 {begin: '\\(', end: '\\)'},
57 {begin: '\\[', end: '\\]'}
58 ]
59 }
60 ]
61 },
62 {
63 className: 'built_in',
64 begin: /true|false/,
65 relevance: 0,
66 starts: TRANSPOSE
67 },
68 {
69 begin: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' + TRANSPOSE_RE,
70 relevance: 0
71 },
72 {
73 className: 'number',
74 begin: hljs.C_NUMBER_RE,
75 relevance: 0,
76 starts: TRANSPOSE
77 },
78 {
79 className: 'string',
80 begin: '\'', end: '\'',
81 contains: [
83 {begin: '\'\''}]
84 },
85 {
86 begin: /\]|}|\)/,
87 relevance: 0,
88 starts: TRANSPOSE
89 },
90 {
91 className: 'string',
92 begin: '"', end: '"',
93 contains: [
95 {begin: '""'}
96 ],
97 starts: TRANSPOSE
98 },
99 hljs.COMMENT('^\\s*\\%\\{\\s*$', '^\\s*\\%\\}\\s*$'),
100 hljs.COMMENT('\\%', '$')