zim-pres-variables.css 977 Bytes
/* Variables for S5 Presentation */
    :root {
        /* S5 Presentation variables */
        --main-pres-banner-foreground: #437484;     /* Foreground color on header and footer */
        --main-pres-banner-background: #ccdddd77;   /* Background color on header and fooetr */
        --main-pres-background-color: white;        /* Body background color                 */
        --main-pres-background-repeat: no-repeat;   /* Body background repeat property       */
        --main-pres-background-size: 100%;          /* Body background size property         */
        --main-pres-img-height: 8em;                /* Size of image height                  */
        --main-pres-table-font-size: 80%;           /* Relative font-size in tables          */
        --main-pres-code-font-size: 70%;            /* Relative font-size in code            */
        --main-pres-font-scale: 1.0;                /* Global font factor                    */