function gamma (x) c jan 1984 edition. w. fullerton, c3, los alamos scientific lab. dimension gcs(23) external csevl, inits, r1mach, r9lgmc c data gcs ( 1) / .0085711955 90989331e0/ data gcs ( 2) / .0044153813 24841007e0/ data gcs ( 3) / .0568504368 1599363e0/ data gcs ( 4) /-.0042198353 96418561e0/ data gcs ( 5) / .0013268081 81212460e0/ data gcs ( 6) /-.0001893024 529798880e0/ data gcs ( 7) / .0000360692 532744124e0/ data gcs ( 8) /-.0000060567 619044608e0/ data gcs ( 9) / .0000010558 295463022e0/ data gcs (10) /-.0000001811 967365542e0/ data gcs (11) / .0000000311 772496471e0/ data gcs (12) /-.0000000053 542196390e0/ data gcs (13) / .0000000009 193275519e0/ data gcs (14) /-.0000000001 577941280e0/ data gcs (15) / .0000000000 270798062e0/ data gcs (16) /-.0000000000 046468186e0/ data gcs (17) / .0000000000 007973350e0/ data gcs (18) /-.0000000000 001368078e0/ data gcs (19) / .0000000000 000234731e0/ data gcs (20) /-.0000000000 000040274e0/ data gcs (21) / .0000000000 000006910e0/ data gcs (22) /-.0000000000 000001185e0/ data gcs (23) / .0000000000 000000203e0/ c data pi /3.14159 26535 89793 24e0/ c sq2pil is alog (sqrt (2.*pi) ) data sq2pil /0.91893 85332 04672 74e0/ data ngcs, xmin, xmax, xsml, dxrel /0, 4*0.0 / c if ( go to 10 c c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c initialize. find legal bounds for x, and determine the number of c terms in the series required to attain an accuracy ten times better c than machine precision. c ngcs = inits (gcs, 23, 0.1*r1mach(3)) c call r9gaml (xmin, xmax) xsml = exp (amax1 (alog (r1mach(1)), -alog(r1mach(2))) + 0.01) dxrel = sqrt (r1mach(4)) c c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c finish initialization. start evaluating gamma(x). c 10 y = abs(x) if ( go to 50 c c compute gamma(x) for abs(x) .le. 10.0. reduce interval and c find gamma(1+y) for 0. .le. y .lt. 1. first of all. c n = x if ( n = n - 1 y = x - float(n) n = n - 1 gamma = 0.9375 + csevl(2.*y-1., gcs, ngcs) if (n.eq.0) return c if ( go to 30 c c compute gamma(x) for x .lt. 1. c n = -n if (x.eq.0.) call seteru (14hgamma x is 0, 14, 4, 2) if ( .and. x+float(n-2).eq.0.) call seteru ( 1 31hgamma x is a negative integer, 31, 4, 2) if ( .and. abs((x-aint(x-0.5))/x).lt.dxrel) call 1 seteru (68hgamma answer lt half precision because x too near n 2egative integer, 68, 1, 1) if ( call seteru ( 1 54hgamma x is so close to 0.0 that the result overflows, 2 54, 5, 2) c do 20 i=1,n gamma = gamma / (x+float(i-1)) 20 continue return c c gamma(x) for x .ge. 2. c 30 do 40 i=1,n gamma = (y+float(i))*gamma 40 continue return c c compute gamma(x) for abs(x) .gt. 10.0. recall y = abs(x). c 50 if ( call seteru (32hgamma x so big gamma overflows, 1 32, 3, 2) c gamma = 0. if ( call seteru (35hgamma x so small gamma underflows 1 , 35, 2, 0) if ( return c gamma = exp((y-0.5)*alog(y) - y + sq2pil + r9lgmc(y) ) if ( return c if (abs((x-aint(x-0.5))/x).lt.dxrel) call seteru ( 1 61hgamma answer lt half precision, x too near negative integer 2 , 61, 1, 1) c sinpiy = sin (pi*y) if (sinpiy.eq.0.) call seteru ( 1 31hgamma x is a negative integer, 31, 4, 2) c gamma = -pi / (y*sinpiy*gamma) c return end