/* ========================================================================== */ /* === umfpack_wsolve ======================================================= */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* UMFPACK Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, CISE, */ /* Univ. of Florida. All Rights Reserved. See ../Doc/License for License. */ /* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int umfpack_di_wsolve ( int sys, const int Ap [ ], const int Ai [ ], const double Ax [ ], double X [ ], const double B [ ], void *Numeric, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO], int Wi [ ], double W [ ] ) ; UF_long umfpack_dl_wsolve ( UF_long sys, const UF_long Ap [ ], const UF_long Ai [ ], const double Ax [ ], double X [ ], const double B [ ], void *Numeric, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO], UF_long Wi [ ], double W [ ] ) ; int umfpack_zi_wsolve ( int sys, const int Ap [ ], const int Ai [ ], const double Ax [ ], const double Az [ ], double Xx [ ], double Xz [ ], const double Bx [ ], const double Bz [ ], void *Numeric, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO], int Wi [ ], double W [ ] ) ; UF_long umfpack_zl_wsolve ( UF_long sys, const UF_long Ap [ ], const UF_long Ai [ ], const double Ax [ ], const double Az [ ], double Xx [ ], double Xz [ ], const double Bx [ ], const double Bz [ ], void *Numeric, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO], UF_long Wi [ ], double W [ ] ) ; /* double int Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" void *Numeric ; int status, *Ap, *Ai, *Wi, sys ; double *B, *X, *Ax, *W, Info [UMFPACK_INFO], Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL] ; status = umfpack_di_wsolve (sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, X, B, Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W) ; double UF_long Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" void *Numeric ; UF_long status, *Ap, *Ai, *Wi, sys ; double *B, *X, *Ax, *W, Info [UMFPACK_INFO], Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL] ; status = umfpack_dl_wsolve (sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, X, B, Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W) ; complex int Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" void *Numeric ; int status, *Ap, *Ai, *Wi, sys ; double *Bx, *Bz, *Xx, *Xz, *Ax, *Az, *W, Info [UMFPACK_INFO], Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL] ; status = umfpack_zi_wsolve (sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, Xx, Xz, Bx, Bz, Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W) ; complex UF_long Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" void *Numeric ; UF_long status, *Ap, *Ai, *Wi, sys ; double *Bx, *Bz, *Xx, *Xz, *Ax, *Az, *W, Info [UMFPACK_INFO], Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL] ; status = umfpack_zl_wsolve (sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, Az, Xx, Xz, Bx, Bz, Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W) ; packed complex Syntax: Same as above, except Az, Xz, and Bz are NULL. Purpose: Given LU factors computed by umfpack_*_numeric (PAQ=LU) and the right-hand-side, B, solve a linear system for the solution X. Iterative refinement is optionally performed. This routine is identical to umfpack_*_solve, except that it does not dynamically allocate any workspace. When you have many linear systems to solve, this routine is faster than umfpack_*_solve, since the workspace (Wi, W) needs to be allocated only once, prior to calling umfpack_*_wsolve. Returns: The status code is returned. See Info [UMFPACK_STATUS], below. Arguments: Int sys ; Input argument, not modified. Int Ap [n+1] ; Input argument, not modified. Int Ai [nz] ; Input argument, not modified. double Ax [nz] ; Input argument, not modified. Size 2*nz in packed complex case. double X [n] ; Output argument. double B [n] ; Input argument, not modified. void *Numeric ; Input argument, not modified. double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL] ; Input argument, not modified. double Info [UMFPACK_INFO] ; Output argument. for complex versions: double Az [nz] ; Input argument, not modified, imaginary part double Xx [n] ; Output argument, real part. Size 2*n in packed complex case. double Xz [n] ; Output argument, imaginary part double Bx [n] ; Input argument, not modified, real part. Size 2*n in packed complex case. double Bz [n] ; Input argument, not modified, imaginary part The above arguments are identical to umfpack_*_solve, except that the error code UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory will not be returned in Info [UMFPACK_STATUS], since umfpack_*_wsolve does not allocate any memory. Int Wi [n] ; Workspace. double W [c*n] ; Workspace, where c is defined below. The Wi and W arguments are workspace used by umfpack_*_wsolve. They need not be initialized on input, and their contents are undefined on output. The size of W depends on whether or not iterative refinement is used, and which version (real or complex) is called. Iterative refinement is performed if Ax=b, A'x=b, or A.'x=b is being solved, Control [UMFPACK_IRSTEP] > 0, and A is nonsingular. The size of W is given below: no iter. with iter. refinement refinement umfpack_di_wsolve n 5*n umfpack_dl_wsolve n 5*n umfpack_zi_wsolve 4*n 10*n umfpack_zl_wsolve 4*n 10*n */