/* ========================================================================== */ /* === UMFPACK_report_numeric =============================================== */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* UMFPACK Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, CISE, */ /* Univ. of Florida. All Rights Reserved. See ../Doc/License for License. */ /* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* User-callable. Prints the Numeric object. See umfpack_report_numeric.h for details. Dynamic memory usage: Allocates a size n*sizeof(Int) workspace via a single call to UMF_malloc and then frees all of it via UMF_free on return. The workspace is not allocated if an early error return occurs before the workspace is needed. */ #include "umf_internal.h" #include "umf_valid_numeric.h" #include "umf_report_perm.h" #include "umf_report_vector.h" #include "umf_malloc.h" #include "umf_free.h" PRIVATE Int report_L ( NumericType *Numeric, Int Pattern [ ], Int prl ) ; PRIVATE Int report_U ( NumericType *Numeric, Int Pattern [ ], Int prl ) ; /* ========================================================================== */ /* === UMFPACK_report_numeric =============================================== */ /* ========================================================================== */ GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_report_numeric ( void *NumericHandle, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL] ) { Int prl, *W, nn, n_row, n_col, n_inner, num_fixed_size, numeric_size, npiv ; NumericType *Numeric ; prl = GET_CONTROL (UMFPACK_PRL, UMFPACK_DEFAULT_PRL) ; if (prl <= 2) { return (UMFPACK_OK) ; } PRINTF (("Numeric object: ")) ; Numeric = (NumericType *) NumericHandle ; if (!UMF_valid_numeric (Numeric)) { PRINTF (("ERROR: LU factors invalid\n\n")) ; return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ; } n_row = Numeric->n_row ; n_col = Numeric->n_col ; nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ; n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ; npiv = Numeric->npiv ; DEBUG1 (("n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nn "ID" n_inner "ID" npiv "ID"\n", n_row, n_col, nn, n_inner, npiv)) ; /* size of Numeric object, except Numeric->Memory and Numeric->Upattern */ /* see also UMF_set_stats */ num_fixed_size = UNITS (NumericType, 1) /* Numeric structure */ + UNITS (Entry, n_inner+1) /* D */ + UNITS (Int, n_row+1) /* Rperm */ + UNITS (Int, n_col+1) /* Cperm */ + 6 * UNITS (Int, npiv+1) /* Lpos, Uilen, Uip, Upos, Lilen, Lip */ + ((Numeric->scale != UMFPACK_SCALE_NONE) ? UNITS (Entry, n_row) : 0) ; /* Rs */ DEBUG1 (("num fixed size: "ID"\n", num_fixed_size)) ; DEBUG1 (("Numeric->size "ID"\n", Numeric->size)) ; DEBUG1 (("ulen units "ID"\n", UNITS (Int, Numeric->ulen))) ; /* size of Numeric->Memory is Numeric->size */ /* size of Numeric->Upattern is Numeric->ulen */ numeric_size = num_fixed_size + Numeric->size + UNITS (Int, Numeric->ulen) ; DEBUG1 (("numeric total size "ID"\n", numeric_size)) ; if (prl >= 4) { PRINTF (("\n n_row: "ID" n_col: "ID"\n", n_row, n_col)) ; PRINTF ((" relative pivot tolerance used: %g\n", Numeric->relpt)) ; PRINTF ((" relative symmetric pivot tolerance used: %g\n", Numeric->relpt2)) ; PRINTF ((" matrix scaled: ")) ; if (Numeric->scale == UMFPACK_SCALE_NONE) { PRINTF (("no")) ; } else if (Numeric->scale == UMFPACK_SCALE_SUM) { PRINTF (("yes (divided each row by sum abs value in each row)\n")) ; PRINTF ((" minimum sum (abs (rows of A)): %.5e\n", Numeric->rsmin)) ; PRINTF ((" maximum sum (abs (rows of A)): %.5e", Numeric->rsmax)) ; } else if (Numeric->scale == UMFPACK_SCALE_MAX) { PRINTF (("yes (divided each row by max abs value in each row)\n")) ; PRINTF ((" minimum max (abs (rows of A)): %.5e\n", Numeric->rsmin)) ; PRINTF ((" maximum max (abs (rows of A)): %.5e", Numeric->rsmax)) ; } PRINTF (("\n")) ; PRINTF ((" initial allocation parameter used: %g\n", Numeric->alloc_init)) ; PRINTF ((" frontal matrix allocation parameter used: %g\n", Numeric->front_alloc_init)) ; PRINTF ((" final total size of Numeric object (Units): "ID"\n", numeric_size)) ; PRINTF ((" final total size of Numeric object (MBytes): %.1f\n", MBYTES (numeric_size))) ; PRINTF ((" peak size of variable-size part (Units): "ID"\n", Numeric->max_usage)) ; PRINTF ((" peak size of variable-size part (MBytes): %.1f\n", MBYTES (Numeric->max_usage))) ; PRINTF ((" largest actual frontal matrix size: "ID"\n", Numeric->maxfrsize)) ; PRINTF ((" memory defragmentations: "ID"\n", Numeric->ngarbage)) ; PRINTF ((" memory reallocations: "ID"\n", Numeric->nrealloc)) ; PRINTF ((" costly memory reallocations: "ID"\n", Numeric->ncostly)) ; PRINTF ((" entries in compressed pattern (L and U): "ID"\n", Numeric->isize)) ; PRINTF ((" number of nonzeros in L (excl diag): "ID"\n", Numeric->lnz)) ; PRINTF ((" number of entries stored in L (excl diag): "ID"\n", Numeric->nLentries)) ; PRINTF ((" number of nonzeros in U (excl diag): "ID"\n", Numeric->unz)) ; PRINTF ((" number of entries stored in U (excl diag): "ID"\n", Numeric->nUentries)) ; PRINTF ((" factorization floating-point operations: %g\n", Numeric->flops)) ; PRINTF ((" number of nonzeros on diagonal of U: "ID"\n", Numeric->nnzpiv)) ; PRINTF ((" min abs. value on diagonal of U: %.5e\n", Numeric->min_udiag)) ; PRINTF ((" max abs. value on diagonal of U: %.5e\n", Numeric->max_udiag)) ; PRINTF ((" reciprocal condition number estimate: %.2e\n", Numeric->rcond)) ; } W = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nn, sizeof (Int)) ; if (!W) { PRINTF ((" ERROR: out of memory to check Numeric object\n\n")) ; return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ; } if (Numeric->Rs) { #ifndef NRECIPROCAL if (Numeric->do_recip) { PRINTF4 (("\nScale factors applied via multiplication\n")) ; } else #endif { PRINTF4 (("\nScale factors applied via division\n")) ; } PRINTF4 (("Scale factors, Rs: ")) ; (void) UMF_report_vector (n_row, Numeric->Rs, (double *) NULL, prl, FALSE, TRUE) ; } else { PRINTF4 (("Scale factors, Rs: (not present)\n")) ; } PRINTF4 (("\nP: row ")) ; if (UMF_report_perm (n_row, Numeric->Rperm, W, prl, 0) != UMFPACK_OK) { (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ; return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ; } PRINTF4 (("\nQ: column ")) ; if (UMF_report_perm (n_col, Numeric->Cperm, W, prl, 0) != UMFPACK_OK) { (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ; return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ; } if (!report_L (Numeric, W, prl)) { (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ; PRINTF ((" ERROR: L factor invalid\n\n")) ; return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ; } if (!report_U (Numeric, W, prl)) { (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ; PRINTF ((" ERROR: U factor invalid\n\n")) ; return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_Numeric_object) ; } /* The diagonal of U is in "merged" (Entry) form, not "split" form. */ PRINTF4 (("\ndiagonal of U: ")) ; (void) UMF_report_vector (n_inner, (double *) Numeric->D, (double *) NULL, prl, FALSE, FALSE) ; (void) UMF_free ((void *) W) ; PRINTF4 ((" Numeric object: ")) ; PRINTF (("OK\n\n")) ; return (UMFPACK_OK) ; } /* ========================================================================== */ /* === report_L ============================================================= */ /* ========================================================================== */ PRIVATE Int report_L ( NumericType *Numeric, Int Pattern [ ], Int prl ) { Int k, deg, *ip, j, row, n_row, *Lpos, *Lilen, valid, k1, *Lip, newLchain, llen, prl1, pos, lp, p, npiv, n1, *Li ; Entry *xp, *Lval ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ASSERT (prl >= 3) ; n_row = Numeric->n_row ; npiv = Numeric->npiv ; n1 = Numeric->n1 ; Lpos = Numeric->Lpos ; Lilen = Numeric->Lilen ; Lip = Numeric->Lip ; prl1 = prl ; deg = 0 ; PRINTF4 (( "\nL in Numeric object, in column-oriented compressed-pattern form:\n" " Diagonal entries are all equal to 1.0 (not stored)\n")) ; ASSERT (Pattern != (Int *) NULL) ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* print L */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ k1 = 12 ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* print the singleton columns of L */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++) { if (k1 > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } lp = Lip [k] ; deg = Lilen [k] ; Li = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ; lp += UNITS (Int, deg) ; Lval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ; if (k1-- > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } else if (prl == 4) { PRINTF ((" ...\n")) ; prl-- ; } PRINTF4 (("\n column "ID":", INDEX (k))) ; PRINTF4 ((" length "ID".\n", deg)) ; for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++) { row = Li [j] ; PRINTF4 (("\trow "ID" : ", INDEX (row))) ; if (prl >= 4) PRINT_ENTRY (Lval [j]) ; if (row <= k || row >= n_row) { return (FALSE) ; } PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; /* truncate printout, but continue to check L */ if (prl == 4 && j == 9 && deg > 10) { PRINTF (("\t...\n")) ; prl-- ; } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* print the regular columns of L */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (k = n1 ; k < npiv ; k++) { /* if prl is 4, print the first 10 entries of the first 10 columns */ if (k1 > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } lp = Lip [k] ; newLchain = (lp < 0) ; if (newLchain) { lp = -lp ; deg = 0 ; } if (k1-- > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } else if (prl == 4) { PRINTF ((" ...\n")) ; prl-- ; } PRINTF4 (("\n column "ID":", INDEX (k))) ; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* make column of L in Pattern [0..deg-1] */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* remove pivot row */ pos = Lpos [k] ; if (pos != EMPTY) { PRINTF4 ((" remove row "ID" at position "ID".", INDEX (Pattern [pos]), INDEX (pos))) ; valid = (!newLchain) && (deg > 0) && (pos < deg) && (pos >= 0) && (Pattern [pos] == k) ; if (!valid) { return (FALSE) ; } Pattern [pos] = Pattern [--deg] ; } /* concatenate the pattern */ llen = Lilen [k] ; if (llen < 0) { return (FALSE) ; } p = lp + UNITS (Int, llen) ; xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ; if ((llen > 0 || deg > 0) && (p + (Int) UNITS (Entry, deg) > Numeric->size)) { return (FALSE) ; } if (llen > 0) { PRINTF4 ((" add "ID" entries.", llen)) ; ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + lp) ; for (j = 0 ; j < llen ; j++) { Pattern [deg++] = *ip++ ; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* print column k of L */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ PRINTF4 ((" length "ID".", deg)) ; if (newLchain) { PRINTF4 ((" Start of Lchain.")) ; } PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++) { row = Pattern [j] ; PRINTF4 (("\trow "ID" : ", INDEX (row))) ; if (prl >= 4) PRINT_ENTRY (*xp) ; if (row <= k || row >= n_row) { return (FALSE) ; } PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; xp++ ; /* truncate printout, but continue to check L */ if (prl == 4 && j == 9 && deg > 10) { PRINTF (("\t...\n")) ; prl-- ; } } } PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; return (TRUE) ; } /* ========================================================================== */ /* === report_U ============================================================= */ /* ========================================================================== */ PRIVATE Int report_U ( NumericType *Numeric, Int Pattern [ ], Int prl ) { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Int k, deg, j, *ip, col, *Upos, *Uilen, k1, prl1, pos, *Uip, n_col, ulen, p, newUchain, up, npiv, n1, *Ui ; Entry *xp, *Uval ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ASSERT (prl >= 3) ; n_col = Numeric->n_col ; npiv = Numeric->npiv ; n1 = Numeric->n1 ; Upos = Numeric->Upos ; Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ; Uip = Numeric->Uip ; prl1 = prl ; PRINTF4 (( "\nU in Numeric object, in row-oriented compressed-pattern form:\n" " Diagonal is stored separately.\n")) ; ASSERT (Pattern != (Int *) NULL) ; k1 = 12 ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* print the sparse part of U */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ deg = Numeric->ulen ; if (deg > 0) { /* make last pivot row of U (singular matrices only) */ for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++) { Pattern [j] = Numeric->Upattern [j] ; } } PRINTF4 (("\n row "ID": length "ID". End of Uchain.\n", INDEX (npiv-1), deg)) ; for (k = npiv-1 ; k >= n1 ; k--) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* print row k of U */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* if prl is 3, print the first 10 entries of the first 10 columns */ if (k1 > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } up = Uip [k] ; ulen = Uilen [k] ; if (ulen < 0) { return (FALSE) ; } newUchain = (up < 0) ; if (newUchain) { up = -up ; p = up + UNITS (Int, ulen) ; } else { p = up ; } xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + p) ; if (deg > 0 && (p + (Int) UNITS (Entry, deg) > Numeric->size)) { return (FALSE) ; } for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++) { col = Pattern [j] ; PRINTF4 (("\tcol "ID" :", INDEX (col))) ; if (prl >= 4) PRINT_ENTRY (*xp) ; if (col <= k || col >= n_col) { return (FALSE) ; } PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; xp++ ; /* truncate printout, but continue to check U */ if (prl == 4 && j == 9 && deg > 10) { PRINTF (("\t...\n")) ; prl-- ; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* make row k-1 of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (k1-- > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } else if (prl == 4) { PRINTF ((" ...\n")) ; prl-- ; } if (k > 0) { PRINTF4 (("\n row "ID": ", INDEX (k-1))) ; } if (newUchain) { /* next row is a new Uchain */ if (k > 0) { deg = ulen ; PRINTF4 (("length "ID". End of Uchain.\n", deg)) ; if (up + (Int) UNITS (Int, ulen) > Numeric->size) { return (FALSE) ; } ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ; for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++) { Pattern [j] = *ip++ ; } } } else { if (ulen > 0) { PRINTF4 (("remove "ID" entries. ", ulen)) ; } deg -= ulen ; if (deg < 0) { return (FALSE) ; } pos = Upos [k] ; if (pos != EMPTY) { /* add the pivot column */ PRINTF4 (("add column "ID" at position "ID". ", INDEX (k), INDEX (pos))) ; if (pos < 0 || pos > deg) { return (FALSE) ; } Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ; Pattern [pos] = k ; } PRINTF4 (("length "ID".\n", deg)) ; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* print the singleton rows of U */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (k = n1 - 1 ; k >= 0 ; k--) { if (k1 > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } up = Uip [k] ; deg = Uilen [k] ; Ui = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ; up += UNITS (Int, deg) ; Uval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ; if (k1-- > 0) { prl = prl1 ; } else if (prl == 4) { PRINTF ((" ...\n")) ; prl-- ; } PRINTF4 (("\n row "ID":", INDEX (k))) ; PRINTF4 ((" length "ID".\n", deg)) ; for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++) { col = Ui [j] ; PRINTF4 (("\tcol "ID" : ", INDEX (col))) ; if (prl >= 4) PRINT_ENTRY (Uval [j]) ; if (col <= k || col >= n_col) { return (FALSE) ; } PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; /* truncate printout, but continue to check U */ if (prl == 4 && j == 9 && deg > 10) { PRINTF (("\t...\n")) ; prl-- ; } } } prl = prl1 ; PRINTF4 (("\n")) ; return (TRUE) ; }