real(8) function dbeskn(n,x) implicit none ! This function compute the rank n Bessel Y function ! using recurrence relation : ! Kn+1(x)=2n/x * Kn(x) + Kn-1(x) ! integer :: n real(8) :: x real(8),external :: dbesk0,dbesk1 real(8) :: two_on_x,bknm1,bkn,bktmp integer :: i if (n==0) then dbeskn=dbesk0(x) return end if if (n==1) then dbeskn=dbesk1(x) return end if if (n < 0) then write(*,*) "Error in dbeskn, n must be >= 0" stop end if if (x <= 0.) then write(*,*) "Error in dbeskn, x must be strictly positive" end if two_on_x=2./x bknm1=dbesk0(x) bkn=dbesk1(x) do i=1,n-1 bktmp=two_on_x*bkn*i+bknm1 bknm1=bkn bkn=bktmp end do dbeskn=bktmp end function