function umfpack_install %UMFPACK_INSTALL to compile and install umfpack2 and amd2 for use in MATLAB % Your current directory must be UMFPACK/MATLAB for this function to work. % % Example: % umfpack_install % % See also umfpack2, amd2. % Copyright 1995-2007 by Timothy A. Davis. % compile and install UMFPACK umfpack_path = pwd ; addpath (umfpack_path) ; try umfpack_make catch fprintf ('Trying to install with lcc_lib/libmwlapack.lib instead\n') ; umfpack_make ('lcc_lib/libmwlapack.lib') ; end % compile and install AMD cd ../../AMD/MATLAB amd_path = pwd ; addpath (amd_path) ; amd_make ; cd (umfpack_path) fprintf ('Now trying the umfpack_simple demo.\n'); umfpack_simple fprintf ('Added the following directories to the path. You may wish to add\n'); fprintf ('these permanently with the MATLAB pathtool command:\n') ; fprintf ('%s\n', umfpack_path) ; fprintf ('%s\n', amd_path) ;