function betai (x, pin, qin) c august 1980 version. w. fullerton, c3, los alamos scientific lab. c based on bosten and battiste, remark on algorithm 179, comm. acm, c v 17, p 153, (1974). c c input arguments -- c x upper limit of integration. x must be in (0,1) inclusive. c p first beta distribution parameter. p must be gt 0.0. c q second beta distribution parameter. q must be gt 0.0. c betai the incomplete beta function ratio is the probability that a c random variable from a beta distribution having parameters c p and q will be less than or equal to x. c external albeta, r1mach data eps, alneps, sml, alnsml / 4*0.0 / c if ( go to 10 eps = r1mach(3) alneps = alog(eps) sml = r1mach(1) alnsml = alog(sml) c 10 if ( .or. call seteru ( 1 35hbetai x is not in the range (0,1), 35, 1, 2) if (pin.le.0. .or. qin.le.0.) call seteru ( 1 29hbetai a and/or b is le zero, 29, 2, 2) c y = x p = pin q = qin if (q.le.p .and. go to 20 if ( go to 20 y = 1.0 - y p = qin q = pin c 20 if ((p+q)*y/(p+1.).lt.eps) go to 80 c c evaluate the infinite sum first. c term will equal y**p/beta(ps,p) * (1.-ps)i * y**i / fac(i) c ps = q - aint(q) if (ps.eq.0.) ps = 1.0 xb = p*alog(y) - albeta(ps, p) - alog(p) betai = 0.0 if ( go to 40 c betai = exp (xb) term = betai*p if (ps.eq.1.0) go to 40 c n = amax1 (alneps/alog(y), 4.0) do 30 i=1,n term = term*(float(i)-ps)*y/float(i) betai = betai + term/(p+float(i)) 30 continue c c now evaluate the finite sum, maybe. c 40 if (q.le.1.0) go to 70 c xb = p*alog(y) + q*alog(1.0-y) - albeta(p,q) - alog(q) ib = amax1 (xb/alnsml, 0.0) term = exp (xb - float(ib)*alnsml) c = 1.0/(1.0-y) p1 = q*c/(p+q-1.) c finsum = 0.0 n = q if (q.eq.float(n)) n = n - 1 do 50 i=1,n if (p1.le.1.0 .and. term/eps.le.finsum) go to 60 term = (q-float(i-1))*c*term/(p+q-float(i)) c if ( ib = ib - 1 if ( term = term*sml c if (ib.eq.0) finsum = finsum + term 50 continue c 60 betai = betai + finsum 70 if ( .or. betai = 1.0 - betai betai = amax1 (amin1 (betai, 1.0), 0.0) return c 80 betai = 0.0 xb = p*alog(amax1(y,sml)) - alog(p) - albeta(p,q) if ( .and. betai = exp (xb) if ( .or. betai = 1.0 - betai return c end