Commit e1aefab23388470bc445506e2c9ccf682803f108

Authored by daniau
1 parent f26a262db0

git-svn-id: b657c933-2333-4658-acf2-d3c7c2708721

Showing 10 changed files with 577 additions and 1 deletions Side-by-side Diff

... ... @@ -61,7 +61,9 @@
61 61 zbeta.o zcbrt.o zcosh.o zcot.o \
62 62 zexprl.o zgamma.o zgamr.o zlbeta.o \
63 63 zlngam.o zlnrel.o zlog10.o zpsi.o \
64   -zsinh.o ztanh.o ztan.o
  64 +zsinh.o ztanh.o ztan.o besyn.o \
  65 +besjn.o dbesyn.o dbesjn.o beskn.o \
  66 +besin.o dbeskn.o dbesin.o
65 67  
66 68 lib:$(library)
67 69  
  1 +real(4) function besin(n,x,factor,big)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel J function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! In+1(x)=-2n/x * In(x) + In-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + ! Two optional parameters :
  8 + ! factor : an integer that is used in Miller's algorithm to determine the
  9 + ! starting point of iteration. Default value is 40, an increase of this value
  10 + ! will increase accuracy. Starting point ~ nearest even integer of sqrt(factor*n)
  11 + ! big : a real that determine the threshold for taking anti overflow counter measure
  12 + ! default value is 1e10
  13 + !
  14 + integer :: n
  15 + real(4) :: x
  16 + integer, optional :: factor
  17 + real(4), optional :: big
  18 +
  19 + integer :: tfactor
  20 + real(4) :: tbig,tsmall
  21 + real(4) :: two_on_x,binm1,bin,binp1,absx
  22 + integer :: i,start
  23 + real(4), external :: besi0,besi1
  24 +
  25 + ! Initialization of optional parameters
  26 + tfactor=40
  27 + if(present(factor)) tfactor=factor
  28 + tbig=1e10
  29 + if(present(big)) tbig=big
  30 + tsmall=1./tbig
  31 +
  32 + if (n==0) then
  33 + besin=besi0(x)
  34 + return
  35 + end if
  36 + if (n==1) then
  37 + besin=besi1(x)
  38 + return
  39 + end if
  40 + if (n < 0) then
  41 + write(*,*) "Error in besin, n must be >= 0"
  42 + stop
  43 + end if
  44 +
  45 + absx=abs(x)
  46 + if (absx == 0.) then
  47 + besin=0.
  48 + else
  49 + ! We use Miller's Algorithm
  50 + ! as upward reccurence is unstable.
  51 + ! This is adapted from Numerical Recipes
  52 + ! Principle : use of downward recurrence from an arbitrary
  53 + ! higher than n value with an arbitrary seed,
  54 + ! and then use the normalization formula :
  55 + ! 1=I0-2I2+2I4-2I6+.... however it is easier to use a
  56 + ! call to besi0
  57 + two_on_x=2./absx
  58 + start=2*((n+int(sqrt(float(n*tfactor))))/2) ! even start
  59 + binp1=0.
  60 + bin=1.
  61 + do i=start,1,-1
  62 + ! begin downward rec
  63 + binm1=two_on_x*bin*i+binp1
  64 + binp1=bin
  65 + bin=binm1
  66 + ! Action to prevent overflow
  67 + if (abs(bin) > tbig) then
  68 + bin=bin*tsmall
  69 + binp1=binp1*tsmall
  70 + besin=besin*tsmall
  71 + end if
  72 + if (i==n) besin=binp1
  73 + end do
  74 + besin=besin*besi0(x)/bin
  75 + end if
  76 + ! if n is odd and x <0
  77 + if ((x<0.) .and. (mod(n,2)==1)) besin=-besin
  78 +
  79 +end function
  1 +real(4) function besjn(n,x,factor,big)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel J function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! Jn+1(x)=2n/x * Jn(x) - Jn-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + ! Two optional parameters :
  8 + ! factor : an integer that is used in Miller's algorithm to determine the
  9 + ! starting point of iteration. Default value is 40, an increase of this value
  10 + ! will increase accuracy. Starting point ~ nearest even integer of sqrt(factor*n)
  11 + ! big : a real that determine the threshold for taking anti overflow counter measure
  12 + ! default value is 1e10
  13 + !
  14 + integer :: n
  15 + real(4) :: x
  16 + integer, optional :: factor
  17 + real(4), optional :: big
  18 +
  19 + integer :: tfactor
  20 + real(4) :: tbig,tsmall,som
  21 + real(4),external :: besj0,besj1
  22 + real(4) :: two_on_x,bjnm1,bjn,bjnp1,absx
  23 + integer :: i,start
  24 + logical :: iseven
  25 +
  26 + ! Initialization of optional parameters
  27 + tfactor=40
  28 + if(present(factor)) tfactor=factor
  29 + tbig=1e10
  30 + if(present(big)) tbig=big
  31 + tsmall=1./tbig
  32 +
  33 + if (n==0) then
  34 + besjn=besj0(x)
  35 + return
  36 + end if
  37 + if (n==1) then
  38 + besjn=besj1(x)
  39 + return
  40 + end if
  41 + if (n < 0) then
  42 + write(*,*) "Error in besjn, n must be >= 0"
  43 + stop
  44 + end if
  45 +
  46 + absx=abs(x)
  47 + if (absx == 0.) then
  48 + besjn=0.
  49 + else if (absx > float(n)) then
  50 + ! For x > n upward reccurence is stable
  51 + two_on_x=2./absx
  52 + bjnm1=besj0(absx)
  53 + bjn=besj1(absx)
  54 + do i=1,n-1
  55 + bjnp1=two_on_x*bjn*i-bjnm1
  56 + bjnm1=bjn
  57 + bjn=bjnp1
  58 + end do
  59 + besjn=bjnp1
  60 + else
  61 + ! For x <= n we use Miller's Algorithm
  62 + ! as upward reccurence is unstable.
  63 + ! This is adapted from Numerical Recipes
  64 + ! Principle : use of downward recurrence from an arbitrary
  65 + ! higher than n value with an arbitrary seed,
  66 + ! and then use the normalization formula :
  67 + ! 1=J0+2J2+2J4+2J6+....
  68 + two_on_x=2./absx
  69 + start=2*((n+int(sqrt(float(n*tfactor))))/2) ! even start
  70 + som=0.
  71 + iseven=.false.
  72 + bjnp1=0.
  73 + bjn=1.
  74 + do i=start,1,-1
  75 + ! begin downward rec
  76 + bjnm1=two_on_x*bjn*i-bjnp1
  77 + bjnp1=bjn
  78 + bjn=bjnm1
  79 + ! Action to prevent overflow
  80 + if (abs(bjn) > tbig) then
  81 + bjn=bjn*tsmall
  82 + bjnp1=bjnp1*tsmall
  83 + besjn=besjn*tsmall
  84 + som=som*tsmall
  85 + end if
  86 + if (iseven) then
  87 + som=som+bjn
  88 + end if
  89 + iseven= .not. iseven
  90 + if (i==n) besjn=bjnp1
  91 + end do
  92 + som=2.*som-bjn
  93 + besjn=besjn/som
  94 + end if
  95 + ! if n is odd and x <0
  96 + if ((x<0.) .and. (mod(n,2)==1)) besjn=-besjn
  97 +
  98 +end function
  1 +real(4) function beskn(n,x)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel Y function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! Kn+1(x)=2n/x * Kn(x) + Kn-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + integer :: n
  8 + real(4) :: x
  9 +
  10 + real(4),external :: besk0,besk1
  11 + real(4) :: two_on_x,bknm1,bkn,bktmp
  12 + integer :: i
  13 +
  14 + if (n==0) then
  15 + beskn=besk0(x)
  16 + return
  17 + end if
  18 + if (n==1) then
  19 + beskn=besk1(x)
  20 + return
  21 + end if
  22 +
  23 + if (n < 0) then
  24 + write(*,*) "Error in beskn, n must be >= 0"
  25 + stop
  26 + end if
  27 + if (x <= 0.) then
  28 + write(*,*) "Error in beskn, x must be strictly positive"
  29 + end if
  30 +
  31 + two_on_x=2./x
  32 + bknm1=besk0(x)
  33 + bkn=besk1(x)
  34 +
  35 + do i=1,n-1
  36 + bktmp=two_on_x*bkn*i+bknm1
  37 + bknm1=bkn
  38 + bkn=bktmp
  39 + end do
  40 + beskn=bktmp
  41 +end function
  1 +real(4) function besyn(n,x)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel Y function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! Yn+1(x)=2n/x * Yn(x) - Yn-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + integer :: n
  8 + real(4) :: x
  9 +
  10 + real(4),external :: besy0,besy1
  11 + real(4) :: two_on_x,bynm1,byn,bytmp
  12 + integer :: i
  13 +
  14 + if (n==0) then
  15 + besyn=besy0(x)
  16 + return
  17 + end if
  18 + if (n==1) then
  19 + besyn=besy1(x)
  20 + return
  21 + end if
  22 +
  23 + if (n < 0) then
  24 + write(*,*) "Error in besyn, n must be >= 0"
  25 + stop
  26 + end if
  27 + if (x <= 0.) then
  28 + write(*,*) "Error in besyn, x must be strictly positive"
  29 + end if
  30 +
  31 + two_on_x=2./x
  32 + bynm1=besy0(x)
  33 + byn=besy1(x)
  34 +
  35 + do i=1,n-1
  36 + bytmp=two_on_x*byn*i-bynm1
  37 + bynm1=byn
  38 + byn=bytmp
  39 + end do
  40 + besyn=bytmp
  41 +end function
  1 +real(8) function dbesin(n,x,factor,big)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel J function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! In+1(x)=-2n/x * In(x) + In-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + ! Two optional parameters :
  8 + ! factor : an integer that is used in Miller's algorithm to determine the
  9 + ! starting point of iteration. Default value is 40, an increase of this value
  10 + ! will increase accuracy. Starting point ~ nearest even integer of sqrt(factor*n)
  11 + ! big : a real that determine the threshold for taking anti overflow counter measure
  12 + ! default value is 1e10
  13 + !
  14 + integer :: n
  15 + real(8) :: x
  16 + integer, optional :: factor
  17 + real(8), optional :: big
  18 +
  19 + integer :: tfactor
  20 + real(8) :: tbig,tsmall
  21 + real(8) :: two_on_x,binm1,bin,binp1,absx
  22 + integer :: i,start
  23 + real(8), external :: dbesi0,dbesi1
  24 +
  25 + ! Initialization of optional parameters
  26 + tfactor=40
  27 + if(present(factor)) tfactor=factor
  28 + tbig=1e10
  29 + if(present(big)) tbig=big
  30 + tsmall=1./tbig
  31 +
  32 + if (n==0) then
  33 + dbesin=dbesi0(x)
  34 + return
  35 + end if
  36 + if (n==1) then
  37 + dbesin=dbesi1(x)
  38 + return
  39 + end if
  40 +
  41 + if (n < 0) then
  42 + write(*,*) "Error in dbesin, n must be >= 0"
  43 + stop
  44 + end if
  45 +
  46 + absx=abs(x)
  47 + if (absx == 0.) then
  48 + dbesin=0.
  49 + else
  50 + ! We use Miller's Algorithm
  51 + ! as upward reccurence is unstable.
  52 + ! This is adapted from Numerical Recipes
  53 + ! Principle : use of downward recurrence from an arbitrary
  54 + ! higher than n value with an arbitrary seed,
  55 + ! and then use the normalization formula :
  56 + ! 1=I0-2I2+2I4-2I6+.... however it is easier to use a
  57 + ! call to besi0
  58 + two_on_x=2./absx
  59 + start=2*((n+int(sqrt(float(n*tfactor))))/2) ! even start
  60 + binp1=0.
  61 + bin=1.
  62 + do i=start,1,-1
  63 + ! begin downward rec
  64 + binm1=two_on_x*bin*i+binp1
  65 + binp1=bin
  66 + bin=binm1
  67 + ! Action to prevent overflow
  68 + if (abs(bin) > tbig) then
  69 + bin=bin*tsmall
  70 + binp1=binp1*tsmall
  71 + dbesin=dbesin*tsmall
  72 + end if
  73 + if (i==n) dbesin=binp1
  74 + end do
  75 + dbesin=dbesin*dbesi0(x)/bin
  76 + end if
  77 + ! if n is odd and x <0
  78 + if ((x<0.) .and. (mod(n,2)==1)) dbesin=-dbesin
  79 +
  80 +end function
  1 +real(8) function dbesjn(n,x,factor,big)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel J function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! Jn+1(x)=2n/x * Jn(x) - Jn-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + ! Two optional parameters :
  8 + ! factor : an integer that is used in Miller's algorithm to determine the
  9 + ! starting point of iteration. Default value is 40, an increase of this value
  10 + ! will increase accuracy. Starting point ~ nearest even integer of sqrt(factor*n)
  11 + ! big : a real that determine the threshold for taking anti overflow counter measure
  12 + ! default value is 1e10
  13 + !
  14 + integer :: n
  15 + real(8) :: x
  16 + integer, optional :: factor
  17 + real(8), optional :: big
  18 +
  19 + integer :: tfactor
  20 + real(8) :: tbig,tsmall,som
  21 + real(8),external :: dbesj0,dbesj1
  22 + real(8) :: two_on_x,bjnm1,bjn,bjnp1,absx
  23 + integer :: i,start
  24 + logical :: iseven
  25 +
  26 + ! Initialization of optional parameters
  27 + tfactor=40
  28 + if(present(factor)) tfactor=factor
  29 + tbig=1d10
  30 + if(present(big)) tbig=big
  31 + tsmall=1./tbig
  32 +
  33 + if (n==0) then
  34 + dbesjn=dbesj0(x)
  35 + return
  36 + end if
  37 + if (n==1) then
  38 + dbesjn=dbesj1(x)
  39 + return
  40 + end if
  41 + if (n < 0) then
  42 + write(*,*) "Error in dbesjn, n must be >= 0"
  43 + stop
  44 + end if
  45 +
  46 + absx=abs(x)
  47 + if (absx == 0.) then
  48 + dbesjn=0.
  49 + else if (absx > float(n)) then
  50 + ! For x > n upward reccurence is stable
  51 + two_on_x=2./absx
  52 + bjnm1=dbesj0(absx)
  53 + bjn=dbesj1(absx)
  54 + do i=1,n-1
  55 + bjnp1=two_on_x*bjn*i-bjnm1
  56 + bjnm1=bjn
  57 + bjn=bjnp1
  58 + end do
  59 + dbesjn=bjnp1
  60 + else
  61 + ! For x <= n we use Miller's Algorithm
  62 + ! as upward reccurence is unstable.
  63 + ! This is adapted from Numerical Recipes
  64 + ! Principle : use of downward recurrence from an arbitrary
  65 + ! higher than n value with an arbitrary seed,
  66 + ! and then use the normalization formula :
  67 + ! 1=J0+2J2+2J4+2J6+....
  68 + two_on_x=2./absx
  69 + start=2*((n+int(sqrt(float(n*tfactor))))/2) ! even start
  70 + som=0.
  71 + iseven=.false.
  72 + bjnp1=0.
  73 + bjn=1.
  74 + do i=start,1,-1
  75 + ! begin downward rec
  76 + bjnm1=two_on_x*bjn*i-bjnp1
  77 + bjnp1=bjn
  78 + bjn=bjnm1
  79 + ! Action to prevent overflow
  80 + if (abs(bjn) > tbig) then
  81 + bjn=bjn*tsmall
  82 + bjnp1=bjnp1*tsmall
  83 + dbesjn=dbesjn*tsmall
  84 + som=som*tsmall
  85 + end if
  86 + if (iseven) then
  87 + som=som+bjn
  88 + end if
  89 + iseven= .not. iseven
  90 + if (i==n) dbesjn=bjnp1
  91 + end do
  92 + som=2.*som-bjn
  93 + dbesjn=dbesjn/som
  94 + end if
  95 + ! if n is odd and x <0
  96 + if ((x<0.) .and. (mod(n,2)==1)) dbesjn=-dbesjn
  97 +
  98 +end function
  1 +real(8) function dbeskn(n,x)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel Y function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! Kn+1(x)=2n/x * Kn(x) + Kn-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + integer :: n
  8 + real(8) :: x
  9 +
  10 + real(8),external :: dbesk0,dbesk1
  11 + real(8) :: two_on_x,bknm1,bkn,bktmp
  12 + integer :: i
  13 +
  14 + if (n==0) then
  15 + dbeskn=dbesk0(x)
  16 + return
  17 + end if
  18 + if (n==1) then
  19 + dbeskn=dbesk1(x)
  20 + return
  21 + end if
  22 +
  23 + if (n < 0) then
  24 + write(*,*) "Error in dbeskn, n must be >= 0"
  25 + stop
  26 + end if
  27 + if (x <= 0.) then
  28 + write(*,*) "Error in dbeskn, x must be strictly positive"
  29 + end if
  30 +
  31 + two_on_x=2./x
  32 + bknm1=dbesk0(x)
  33 + bkn=dbesk1(x)
  34 +
  35 + do i=1,n-1
  36 + bktmp=two_on_x*bkn*i+bknm1
  37 + bknm1=bkn
  38 + bkn=bktmp
  39 + end do
  40 + dbeskn=bktmp
  41 +end function
  1 +real(8) function dbesyn(n,x)
  2 + implicit none
  3 + ! This function compute the rank n Bessel Y function
  4 + ! using recurrence relation :
  5 + ! Yn+1(x)=2n/x * Yn(x) - Yn-1(x)
  6 + !
  7 + integer :: n
  8 + real(8) :: x
  9 +
  10 + real(8),external :: dbesy0,dbesy1
  11 + real(8) :: two_on_x,bynm1,byn,bytmp
  12 + integer :: i
  13 +
  14 + if (n==0) then
  15 + dbesyn=dbesy0(x)
  16 + return
  17 + end if
  18 + if (n==1) then
  19 + dbesyn=dbesy1(x)
  20 + return
  21 + end if
  22 + if (n < 0) then
  23 + write(*,*) "Error in dbesyn, n must be >= 0"
  24 + stop
  25 + end if
  26 + if (x <= 0.) then
  27 + write(*,*) "Error in dbesyn, x must be strictly positive"
  28 + end if
  29 +
  30 + two_on_x=2./x
  31 + bynm1=dbesy0(x)
  32 + byn=dbesy1(x)
  33 +
  34 + do i=1,n-1
  35 + bytmp=two_on_x*byn*i-bynm1
  36 + bynm1=byn
  37 + byn=bytmp
  38 + end do
  39 + dbesyn=bytmp
  40 +end function
... ... @@ -733,6 +733,62 @@
733 733 end function dbsk1e
734 734 end interface bsk1e
735 735  
  736 +! nth order J
  737 +interface bsjn
  738 + real(4) function besjn(n,x,factor,big)
  739 + integer(4) :: n
  740 + real(4) :: x
  741 + integer(4), optional :: factor
  742 + real(4), optional :: big
  743 + end function besjn
  744 + real(8) function dbesjn(n,x,factor,big)
  745 + integer(4) :: n
  746 + real(8) :: x
  747 + integer(4), optional :: factor
  748 + real(8), optional :: big
  749 + end function dbesjn
  750 +end interface bsjn
  751 +
  752 +! nth order Y
  753 +interface bsyn
  754 + real(4) function besyn(n,x)
  755 + integer(4) :: n
  756 + real(4) :: x
  757 + end function besyn
  758 + real(8) function dbesyn(n,x)
  759 + integer(4) :: n
  760 + real(8) :: x
  761 + end function dbesyn
  762 +end interface bsyn
  763 +
  764 +! nth order I
  765 +interface bsin
  766 + real(4) function besin(n,x,factor,big)
  767 + integer(4) :: n
  768 + real(4) :: x
  769 + integer(4), optional :: factor
  770 + real(4), optional :: big
  771 + end function besin
  772 + real(8) function dbesin(n,x,factor,big)
  773 + integer(4) :: n
  774 + real(8) :: x
  775 + integer(4), optional :: factor
  776 + real(8), optional :: big
  777 + end function dbesin
  778 +end interface bsin
  779 +
  780 +! nth order K
  781 +interface bskn
  782 + real(4) function beskn(n,x)
  783 + integer(4) :: n
  784 + real(4) :: x
  785 + end function beskn
  786 + real(8) function dbeskn(n,x)
  787 + integer(4) :: n
  788 + real(8) :: x
  789 + end function dbeskn
  790 +end interface bskn
  791 +
736 792 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!