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function rand (r) c c this pseudo-random number generator is portable amoung a wide c variety of computers. rand(r) undoubtedly is not as good as many c readily available installation dependent versions, and so this c routine is not recommended for widespread usage. its redeeming c feature is that the exact same random numbers (to within final round- c off error) can be generated from machine to machine. thus, programs c that make use of random numbers can be easily transported to and c checked in a new environment. c the random numbers are generated by the linear congruential c method described, e.g., by knuth in seminumerical methods (p.9), c addison-wesley, 1969. given the i-th number of a pseudo-random c sequence, the i+1 -st number is generated from c x(i+1) = (a*x(i) + c) mod m, c where here m = 2**22 = 4194304, c = 1731 and several suitable values c of the multiplier a are discussed below. both the multiplier a and c random number x are represented in double precision as two 11-bit c words. the constants are chosen so that the period is the maximum c possible, 4194304. c in order that the same numbers be generated from machine to c machine, it is necessary that 23-bit integers be reducible modulo c 2**11 exactly, that 23-bit integers be added exactly, and that 11-bit c integers be multiplied exactly. furthermore, if the restart option c is used (where r is between 0 and 1), then the product r*2**22 = c r*4194304 must be correct to the nearest integer. c the first four random numbers should be .0004127026, c .6750836372, .1614754200, and .9086198807. the tenth random number c is .5527787209, and the hundredth is .3600893021 . the thousandth c number should be .2176990509 . c in order to generate several effectively independent sequences c with the same generator, it is necessary to know the random number c for several widely spaced calls. the i-th random number times 2**22, c where i=k*p/8 and p is the period of the sequence (p = 2**22), is c still of the form l*p/8. in particular we find the i-th random c number multiplied by 2**22 is given by c i = 0 1*p/8 2*p/8 3*p/8 4*p/8 5*p/8 6*p/8 7*p/8 8*p/8 c rand= 0 5*p/8 2*p/8 7*p/8 4*p/8 1*p/8 6*p/8 3*p/8 0 c thus the 4*p/8 = 2097152 random number is 2097152/2**22. c several multipliers have been subjected to the spectral test c (see knuth, p. 82). four suitable multipliers roughly in order of c goodness according to the spectral test are c 3146757 = 1536*2048 + 1029 = 2**21 + 2**20 + 2**10 + 5 c 2098181 = 1024*2048 + 1029 = 2**21 + 2**10 + 5 c 3146245 = 1536*2048 + 517 = 2**21 + 2**20 + 2**9 + 5 c 2776669 = 1355*2048 + 1629 = 5**9 + 7**7 + 1 c c in the table below log10(nu(i)) gives roughly the number of c random decimal digits in the random numbers considered i at a time. c c is the primary measure of goodness. in both cases bigger is better. c c log10 nu(i) c(i) c a i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 c c 3146757 3.3 2.0 1.6 1.3 3.1 1.3 4.6 2.6 c 2098181 3.3 2.0 1.6 1.2 3.2 1.3 4.6 1.7 c 3146245 3.3 2.2 1.5 1.1 3.2 4.2 1.1 0.4 c 2776669 3.3 2.1 1.6 1.3 2.5 2.0 1.9 2.6 c best c possible 3.3 2.3 1.7 1.4 3.6 5.9 9.7 14.9 c c input argument -- c r if r=0., the next random number of the sequence is generated. c if, the last generated number will be returned for c possible use in a restart procedure. c if, the sequence of random numbers will start with the c seed r mod 1. this seed is also returned as the value of c rand provided the arithmetic is done exactly. c c output value -- c rand a pseudo-random number between 0. and 1. c c ia1 and ia0 are the hi and lo parts of a. ia1ma0 = ia1 - ia0. data ia1, ia0, ia1ma0 /1536, 1029, 507/ data ic /1731/ data ix1, ix0 /0, 0/ c if ( go to 10 if ( go to 20 c c a*x = 2**22*ia1*ix1 + 2**11*(ia1*ix1 + (ia1-ia0)*(ix0-ix1) c + ia0*ix0) + ia0*ix0 c iy0 = ia0*ix0 iy1 = ia1*ix1 + ia1ma0*(ix0-ix1) + iy0 iy0 = iy0 + ic ix0 = mod (iy0, 2048) iy1 = iy1 + (iy0-ix0)/2048 ix1 = mod (iy1, 2048) c 10 rand = ix1*2048 + ix0 rand = rand / 4194304. return c 20 ix1 = amod(r,1.)*4194304. + 0.5 ix0 = mod (ix1, 2048) ix1 = (ix1-ix0)/2048 go to 10 c end |