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function umfpack_details %UMFPACK_DETAILS details on all the options for using umfpack2 in MATLAB % % Factor or solve a sparse linear system, returning either the solution x to % Ax=b or A'x'=b', the factorization LU=PAQ, or LU=P(R\A)Q. A must be sparse. % For the solve, A must be square and b must be a dense n-by-1 vector. For LU % factorization, A can be rectangular. In both cases, A and/or b can be real % or complex. % % UMFPACK analyzes the matrix and selects one of three strategies to factorize % the matrix. It first finds a set of k initial pivot entries of zero Markowitz % cost. This forms the first k rows and columns of L and U. The remaining % submatrix S is then analyzed, based on the symmetry of the nonzero pattern of % the submatrix and the values on the diagaonal. The strategies include: % % (1) unsymmetric: use a COLAMD pre-ordering, a column elimination tree % post-ordering, refine the column ordering during factorization, % and make no effort at selecting pivots on the diagonal. % (2) 2-by-2: like the symmetric strategy (see below), except that local % row permutations are first made to attempt to place large entries % on the diagonal. % (3) symmetric: use an AMD pre-ordering on the matrix S+S', an % elimination tree post-ordering, do not refine the column ordering % during factorization, and attempt to select pivots on the diagonal. % % Each of the following uses of umfpack2 (except for "Control = umfpack2") is % stand-alone. That is, no call to umfpack2 is required for any subsequent % call. In each usage, the Info output argument is optional. % % Example: % % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (A, '\', b) ; % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (A, '\', b, Control) ; % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit, '\', b, Control) ; % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit, '\', b) ; % % Solves Ax=b (similar to x = A\b in MATLAB). % % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (b, '/', A) ; % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (b, '/', A, Control) ; % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (b, '/', A, Qinit) ; % [x, Info] = umfpack2 (b, '/', A, Qinit, Control) ; % % Solves A'x'=b' (similar to x = b/A in MATLAB). % % [L, U, P, Q, R, Info] = umfpack2 (A) ; % [L, U, P, Q, R, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Control) ; % [L, U, P, Q, R, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit) ; % [L, U, P, Q, R, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit, Control) ; % % Returns the LU factorization of A. P and Q are returned as permutation % matrices. R is a diagonal sparse matrix of scale factors for the rows % of A, L is lower triangular, and U is upper triangular. The % factorization is L*U = P*(R\A)*Q. You can turn off scaling by setting % Control (17) to zero (in which case R = speye (m)), or by using the % following syntaxes (in which case Control (17) is ignored): % % [L, U, P, Q] = umfpack2 (A) ; % [L, U, P, Q] = umfpack2 (A, Control) ; % [L, U, P, Q] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit) ; % [L, U, P, Q] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit, Control) ; % % Same as above, except that no row scaling is performed. The Info array % is not returned, either. % % [P1, Q1, Fr, Ch, Info] = umfpack2 (A, 'symbolic') ; % [P1, Q1, Fr, Ch, Info] = umfpack2 (A, 'symbolic', Control) ; % [P1, Q1, Fr, Ch, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit, 'symbolic') ; % [P1, Q1, Fr, Ch, Info] = umfpack2 (A, Qinit, 'symbolic', Control); % % Performs only the fill-reducing column pre-ordering (including the % elimination tree post-ordering) and symbolic factorization. Q1 is the % initial column permutation (either from colamd, amd, or the input % ordering Qinit), possibly followed by a column elimination tree post- % ordering or a symmetric elimination tree post-ordering, depending on % the strategy used. % % For the unsymmetric strategy, P1 is the row ordering induced by Q1 % (row-merge order). For the 2-by-2 strategy, P1 is the row ordering that % places large entries on the diagonal of P1*A*Q1. For the symmetric % strategy, P1 = Q1. % % Fr is a (nfr+1)-by-4 array containing information about each frontal % matrix, where nfr <= n is the number of frontal matrices. Fr (:,1) is % the number of pivot columns in each front, and Fr (:,2) is the parent % of each front in the supercolumn elimination tree. Fr (k,2) is zero if % k is a root. The first Fr (1,1) columns of P1*A*Q1 are the pivot % columns for the first front, the next Fr (2,1) columns of P1*A*Q1 % are the pivot columns for the second front, and so on. % % For the unsymmetric strategy, Fr (:,3) is the row index of the first % row in P1*A*Q1 whose leftmost nonzero entry is in a pivot column for % the kth front. Fr (:,4) is the leftmost descendent of the kth front. % Rows in the range Fr (Fr (k,4),3) to Fr (k+1,3)-1 form the entire set % of candidate pivot rows for the kth front (some of these will typically % have been selected as pivot rows of fronts Fr (k,3) to k-1, before the % factorization reaches the kth front. If front k is a leaf node, then % Fr (k,4) is k. % % Ch is a (nchains+1)-by-3 array containing information about each "chain" % (unifrontal sequence) of frontal matrices, and where nchains <= nfr % is the number of chains. The ith chain consists of frontal matrices. % Chain (i,1) to Chain (i+1,1)-1, and the largest front in chain i is % Chain (i,2)-by-Chain (i,3). % % This use of umfpack2 is not required to factor or solve a linear system % in MATLAB. It analyzes the matrix A and provides information only. % The MATLAB statement "treeplot (Fr (:,2)')" plots the column elimination % tree. % % Control = umfpack2 ; % % Returns a 20-by-1 vector of default parameter settings for umfpack2. % % umfpack_report (Control, Info) ; % % Prints the current Control settings, and Info % % det = umfpack2 (A, 'det') ; % [det dexp] = umfpack2 (A, 'det') ; % % Computes the determinant of A. The 2nd form returns the determinant % in the form det*10^dexp, where det is in the range +/- 1 to 10, % which helps to avoid overflow/underflow when dexp is out of range of % normal floating-point numbers. % % If present, Qinit is a user-supplied 1-by-n permutation vector. It is an % initial fill-reducing column pre-ordering for A; if not present, then colamd % or amd are used instead. If present, Control is a user-supplied 20-by-1 % array. Control and Info are optional; if Control is not present, defaults % are used. If a Control entry is NaN, then the default is used for that entry. % % % Copyright 1995-2007 by Timothy A. Davis, University of Florida. % All Rights Reserved. % UMFPACK is available under alternate licenses, contact T. Davis for details. % % UMFPACK License: % % Your use or distribution of UMFPACK or any modified version of % UMFPACK implies that you agree to this License. % % This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public % License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either % version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public % License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 % USA % % Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program under the % terms of the GNU LGPL, provided that the Copyright, this License, % and the Availability of the original version is retained on all copies. % User documentation of any code that uses this code or any modified % version of this code must cite the Copyright, this License, the % Availability note, and "Used by permission." Permission to modify % the code and to distribute modified code is granted, provided the % Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are retained, % and a notice that the code was modified is included. % % Availability: % % See also umfpack, umfpack2, umfpack_make, umfpack_report, % umfpack_demo, and umfpack_simple. more on help umfpack_details more off |