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C ====================================================================== C === AMD_cross ======================================================== C ====================================================================== C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C AMD, Copyright (c) by Timothy A. Davis, Patrick R. C Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff. See ../README.txt for C License. email: davis at CISE Department, Univ. of C Florida. web: C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C This program provides an example of how to call the C version of AMD C from a Fortran program. It is HIGHLY non-portable. C The amd_order routine returns PERM (1) < 0 if an error occurs. C (-1: out of memory, -2: invalid matrix) C Note that the input matrix is 0-based. From Fortran, column j of the C matrix is in AI (AP (I)+1 ... AP (I+1)). The row indices in this C set are in the range 0 to N-1. To demonstrate this translation, C the input matrix is printed in 1-based form. This program uses C the same 5-by-5 test matrix as amd_simple.c. INTEGER N, NZ, K, P PARAMETER (N = 5, NZ = 14) INTEGER AP (N+1), AI (NZ), PERM (N) DATA AP / 0, 2, 6, 10, 12, 14 / DATA AI / 0,1, 0,1,2,4, 1,2,3,4, 2,3, 1,4 / DOUBLE PRECISION CONTROL (5), INFO (20) C print the input matrix PRINT 10, N, N, NZ 10 FORMAT ('Input matrix:', I2, '-by-', I2, ' with',I3,' entries') DO 40 J = 1, N PRINT 20, J, AP (J+1) - AP (J), AP (J)+1, AP (J+1) 20 FORMAT ( /, 'Column: ', I2, ' number of entries: ', I2, $ ' with row indices in AI (', I3, ' ... ', I3, ')') PRINT 30, ((AI (P) + 1), P = AP (J) + 1, AP (J+1)) 30 FORMAT (' row indices: ', 24I3) 40 CONTINUE CALL AMDDEFAULTS (CONTROL) CALL AMDORDER (N, AP, AI, PERM, CONTROL, INFO) CALL AMDINFO (INFO) DO 60 K = 1, N PRINT 50, K, PERM (K) + 1 50 FORMAT ('PERM (',I2,') = ', I2) 60 CONTINUE END |