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double precision function d9gmit (a, x, algap1, sgngam, alx) c july 1977 edition. w. fullerton, c3, los alamos scientific lab. c c compute tricomi-s incomplete gamma function for small x. c double precision a, x, algap1, sgngam, alx, ae, aeps, algs, alg2, 1 bot, eps, fk, s, sgng2, t, te, d1mach, dlngam, dexp, dlog data eps, bot / 2*0.d0 / c if ( go to 10 eps = 0.5d0*d1mach(3) bot = dlog (d1mach(1)) c 10 if (x.le.0.d0) call seteru (24hd9gmit x should be gt 0, 24, 1, 2) c ma = a + 0.5d0 if ( ma = a - 0.5d0 aeps = a - dble(float(ma)) c ae = a if ( ae = aeps c t = 1.d0 te = ae s = t do 20 k=1,200 fk = k te = -x*te/fk t = te/(ae+fk) s = s + t if (dabs(t).lt.eps*dabs(s)) go to 30 20 continue call seteru (54hd9gmit no convergence in 200 terms of taylor-s se 1ries, 54, 2, 2) c 30 if ( algs = -algap1 + dlog(s) if ( go to 60 c algs = -dlngam(1.d0+aeps) + dlog(s) s = 1.0d0 m = -ma - 1 if (m.eq.0) go to 50 t = 1.0d0 do 40 k=1,m t = x*t/(aeps-dble(float(m+1-k))) s = s + t if (dabs(t).lt.eps*dabs(s)) go to 50 40 continue c 50 d9gmit = 0.0d0 algs = -dble(float(ma))*dlog(x) + algs if (s.eq.0.d0 .or. aeps.eq.0.d0) go to 60 c sgng2 = sgngam * dsign (1.0d0, s) alg2 = -x - algap1 + dlog(dabs(s)) c if ( d9gmit = sgng2 * dexp(alg2) if ( d9gmit = d9gmit + dexp(algs) return c 60 d9gmit = dexp (algs) return c end |