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0c3098aed ChW 02/2010 for t... |
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complex(kind(1.d0)) function zasin (zinp) |
38581db0c git-svn-id: https... |
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implicit none c august 1980 edition. w. fullerton, c3, los alamos scientific lab. c c ref -- l. l. pennisi, elements of complex variables, holt, rinehart c and winston, 1963. page 126. c |
0c3098aed ChW 02/2010 for t... |
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complex(kind(1.d0)) zinp, z, z2, sqzp1, ci real(kind(1.d0)) d1mach,pi2,pi,rmin,r |
38581db0c git-svn-id: https... |
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integer nterms,i,twoi external d1mach data pi2 /1.5707963267 9489661923d0/ data pi /3.1415926535 8979324d0/ |
00055ac08 Define some const... |
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data ci /(0.d0,1.d0)/ data nterms, rmin / 0, 0.0d0 / |
38581db0c git-svn-id: https... |
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c if ( go to 10 c nterms = alog(eps)/alog(rmax) where rmax = 0.1 nterms = -0.4343*log(d1mach(3)) + 1.0 rmin = sqrt (6.0*d1mach(3)) c 10 z = zinp r = abs (z) if ( go to 30 c zasin = z if ( return c zasin = (0.0, 0.0) z2 = z*z do 20 i=1,nterms twoi = 2*(nterms-i) + 1 zasin = 1.0/twoi + twoi*zasin*z2/(twoi+1.0) 20 continue zasin = z*zasin return c 30 if (real(zinp).lt.0.0) z = -zinp c sqzp1 = sqrt (z+1.0) if (aimag(sqzp1).lt.0.) sqzp1 = -sqzp1 zasin = pi2 - ci * log (z + sqzp1*sqrt(z-1.0)) c if (real(zasin).gt.pi2) zasin = pi - zasin if (real(zasin).le.(-pi2)) zasin = -pi - zasin if (real(zinp).lt.0.) zasin = -zasin c return end |