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@string{TOMS = "ACM Trans. Math. Softw."} @string{SIMAX = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Applic."} @string{SINUM = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal."} @string{SIAMJSC = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput."} @string{SIAMJSSC = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput."} @string{IJNME = "Internat. J. Numer. Methods Eng."} @string{SIAMJADM = "SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth."} @article{AmestoyDavisDuff96, author={Amestoy, P. R. and Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.}, title={An approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm}, journal=SIMAX, year={1996} ,volume={17} ,number={4} ,pages={886-905}} @article{AmestoyDavisDuff03, author={Amestoy, P. R. and Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.}, title={Algorithm 837: {AMD}, an approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm}, journal=TOMS, year={2004} ,volume={30} ,number={3} ,pages={381-388}} @techreport{AmestoyDavisDuff03_user, author={Amestoy, P. R. and Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.}, title={{AMD} Version 1.0 User Guide}, institution={CISE Dept., Univ. of Florida}, year={2003} ,number={TR-03-011} ,address={Gainesville, FL} ,note={} } @article{Davis03, author={Davis, T. A.}, title={A column pre-ordering strategy for the unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal method}, journal=TOMS, year={2004} ,volume={30} ,number={2} ,pages={165-195}} @article{Davis03_algo, author={Davis, T. A.}, title={Algorithm 832: {UMFPACK}, an unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal method}, journal=TOMS, year={2004} ,volume={30} ,number={2} ,pages={196-199}} @techreport{Davis03_umf, author={Davis, T. A.}, title={{UMFPACK} User Guide}, institution={Univ. of Florida, CISE Dept.}, year={2005} ,number={TR-04-003 (revised)} ,address={Gainesville, FL} ,note={(} } @techreport{Davis03_umfquick, author={Davis, T. A.}, title={{UMFPACK} Quick Start Guide}, institution={Univ. of Florida, CISE Dept.}, year={2005} ,number={TR-04-005 (revised)} ,address={Gainesville, FL} ,note={(} } @article{DavisDuff97, author={Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.}, title={An unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal method for sparse {LU} factorization}, journal=SIMAX, year={1997} ,volume={18} ,number={1} ,pages={140-158}} @article{DavisDuff99, author={Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.}, title={A combined unifrontal/multifrontal method for unsymmetric sparse matrices}, journal=TOMS, volume={25}, number={1}, pages={1-19}, year={1999}} @article{SuperLU99, author={Demmel, J. W. and Eisenstat, S. C. and Gilbert, J. R. and Li, X. S. and Liu, J. W. H.}, title={A supernodal approach to sparse partial pivoting}, journal=SIMAX, year={1999} ,volume={20} ,number={3} ,pages={720-755} ,note={} } @article{ACM679a, author={Dongarra, J. J. and Du Croz, J. and Duff, I. S. and Hammarling, S.}, title={A set of level-3 basic linear algebra subprograms}, journal=TOMS, year={1990} ,volume={16} ,number={1} ,pages={1--17}} @article{netlib, author={Dongarra, J. J. and Grosse, E.}, title={Distribution of mathematical software via electronic mail}, journal={Comm. ACM}, year={1987} ,volume={30} ,pages={403-407} ,note={} } @article{Duff78b, author={Duff, I. S. and Reid, J. K.}, year={1978}, title={Algorithm 529: Permutations to Block Triangular Form}, journal=TOMS, volume={4}, annote={f}, number={2}, pages={189-192}, keywords={102 ordering block triangular form}} @article{Duff81b, author={Duff, I. S.}, year={1981}, title={Algorithm 575: Permutations for a Zero-Free Diagonal}, journal=TOMS, annote={f}, volume={7}, pages={387-390}, keywords={ordering, zero-free diagonal}} @techreport{GotoVandeGeijn02, author = {Goto, K. and van de Geijn, R.}, title = {On Reducing {TLB} Misses in Matrix Multiplication, {FLAME} Working Note 9}, institution={The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences}, number={TR-2002-55}, month={Nov.}, year={2002}} @article{GeorgeNg85, author={George, A. and Ng, E. G.}, year={1985}, title={An Implementation of {G}aussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting for Sparse Systems}, journal=SIAMJSSC, volume={6}, number={2}, pages={390-409}} @article{GeorgeNg87, author={George, A. and Ng, E. G.}, year={1987}, title={Symbolic Factorization for Sparse {G}aussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting}, journal={SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.}, volume={8}, number={6}, pages={877-898}} @article{GilbertMolerSchreiber, author={Gilbert, J. R. and Moler, C. and Schreiber, R.}, title={Sparse matrices in {MATLAB}: design and implementation}, journal=SIMAX, year={1992} ,volume={13} ,number={1} ,pages={333-356}} @article{GilbertPeierls88, author={Gilbert, J. R. and Peierls, T.}, year={1988}, title={Sparse Partial Pivoting in Time Proportional to Arithmetic Operations}, journal={SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.}, volume={9}, pages={862-874}} @article{Gustavson78, author={Gustavson, F. G.}, year={1978}, title={Two Fast Algorithms for Sparse Matrices: Multiplication and Permuted Transposition}, journal=TOMS, volume={4}, number={3}, pages={250-269}} @techreport{Larimore98, author={Larimore, S. I.}, title={An approximate minimum degree column ordering algorithm}, institution={Univ. of Florida, CISE Dept.}, year={1998} ,number={TR-98-016} ,address={Gainesville, FL} ,note={}} @article{DavisGilbertLarimoreNg00, author={Davis, T. A. and Gilbert, J. R. and Larimore, S. I. and Ng, E. G.}, title={A column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm}, journal=TOMS, year={2004} ,volume={30} ,number={3} ,pages={353-376}} @article{DavisGilbertLarimoreNg00_algo, author={Davis, T. A. and Gilbert, J. R. and Larimore, S. I. and Ng, E. G.}, title={Algorithm 836: {COLAMD}, a column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm}, journal=TOMS, year={2004} ,volume={30} ,number={3} ,pages={377-380}} @INCOLLECTION{GilbertNg93, author = {J. R. Gilbert and E. G. Ng}, editor = {A. George and J. R. Gilbert and J. W.H. Liu}, year = 1993, title = {Predicting Structure in Nonsymmetric Sparse Matrix Factorizations}, booktitle = {Graph Theory and Sparse Matrix Computation}, series = {Volume 56 of the {IMA} Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications}, pages = {107-139}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @techreport{ATLAS, author={Whaley, R. C and Petitet, A. and Dongarra, J. J.}, title={Automated Emperical Optimization of Software and the {ATLAS} Project}, institution={Computer Science Department, The University of Tennessee}, year={2000} ,number={LAPACK Working Note 147} ,month={September} ,note={} } @article{DaydeDuff99, author = "M. J. Dayd\'{e} and I. S. Duff", title = "The {RISC} {BLAS}: A Blocked Implementation of Level 3 {BLAS} for {RISC} Processors", journal = TOMS, volume = "25", number = "3", month = {Sept.}, year ="1999" } @article{ardd:89, author = {M. Arioli and J. W. Demmel and I. S. Duff}, year = "1989", title = {Solving sparse linear systems with sparse backward error}, journal = SIMAX, volume = {10}, pages = {165-190} } @article{DavisHager99, author={Davis, T. A. and Hager, W. W.}, title={Modifying a sparse {C}holesky factorization}, journal=SIMAX, year={1999} ,volume={20} ,number={3} ,pages={606-627} } @article{dusc:96, author = {I. S. Duff and J. A. Scott}, title = {The design of a new frontal code for solving sparse unsymmetric systems}, journal = TOMS, year = "1996", volume = "22", number = "1", pages = "30-45" } @article{Duff78a, author={Duff, I. S. and Reid, J. K.}, year={1978}, title={An Implementation of {T}arjan's Algorithm for the Block Triangularization of a Matrix}, journal=TOMS, volume={4}, number={2}, pages={137-147} } @book{GeorgeLiu, author={George, A. and Liu, J. W. H.}, year={1981}, title={Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems}, publisher={Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall} } @article{GilbertNgPeyton94, author={Gilbert, J. R. and Ng, E. G. and Peyton, B. W.}, title={An efficient algorithm to compute row and column counts for sparse {C}holesky factorization}, journal=SIMAX, year={1994} ,volume={15} ,number={4} ,pages={1075-1091} } @techreport{DuffGrimesLewis87b, author={Duff, I. S. and Grimes, R. G. and Lewis, J. G.}, year={1987}, title={Users' Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Test Collection}, institution={AERE Harwell Laboratory, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority}} |