# Field Test Device ## Field Test Device The program sends periodically LoRaWAN frames at various datarate and tx power. If a NMEA0183 GNSS module is plugged onto the board, the postion is sent into each LoRaWAN frames. See the list of [NMEA0183 GNSS module](../gnss_modules.md). Uplink frames can be confirmed or unconfirmed by the network server. The RTC of the board can be synchronized according to the [App Clock Sync Specification](https://lora-alliance.org/resource-hub/lorawanr-application-layer-clock-synchronization-specification-v100). ## Payload format fPort : 2 to 170 uint8 : txpower (2,5,8,11,14) in dBm uint8 : datarate (0,1,2,3,4,5) int16 : temperature in 0.01 °C int24 : latitude int24 : longitude int16 : altitude > The paylaod will include in a future version the following fields : downlink message counter (uint16_t), last downlink fCnt (uint16_t), last downlink RSSI (uint8_t), last downlink LSNR (int8_t) and GPIO_IN bitfield (uint8_t) ## Boards Board: * [x] [boards/im880b](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/im880b) * [x] [OrbiMote (im880a)](https://github.com/CampusIoT/orbimote) * [x] [nucleo-f446re](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/nucleo-f446re) + [P-NUCLEO-LRWAN1](https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/p-nucleo-lrwan1.html) * [x] [nucleo-f446re](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/nucleo-f446re) + [SX1276MB1xAS](https://os.mbed.com/components/SX1276MB1xAS/) for eu433 and eu868 * [ ] [boards/b-l072z-lrwan1](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/b-l072z-lrwan1) * [ ] [STM32WL55](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/nucleo-stm32wl55) * [ ] [ESP32 Heltec LoRa](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/esp32-heltec-lora32-v2) * [ ] [ESP32 TTGO Beam](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/blob/master/boards/esp32-ttgo-t-beam) * [ ] [Bluepill](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/boards/bluepill-stm32f030c8) + [RFM9x](https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-rfm69hcw-and-rfm96-rfm95-rfm98-lora-packet-padio-breakouts/arduino-wiring) * [ ] [Generic Node](https://www.genericnode.com/) * [ ] LilyGo (SX1262) * [ ] all boards with [Microchip RN2483 module](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/drivers/rn2xx3) ### Default board The IMST iM880a board is a simple prototyping board with an IMST IMST iM880a LoRa module a DS75LX temperature sensor. The TX pin of a [NMEA0183 GNSS module](../gnss_modules.md) can be plugged on the pin 10 (Rx) of connector X2 (with 3V3 on pin 11 and GND on pin 12).


## Libraries Packages & Drivers: * [semtech-loramac](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/pkg/semtech-loramac) * [cayenne-lpp](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/pkg/cayenne-lpp) * [ds75lx](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/drivers/ds75lx) GPS modules: * [See notes](../gnss_modules.md) ## Build and flash Connect the X1 and X2 connectors according to the wiring despicted in the annexes. Register the endpoint into a LoRaWAN network (public or private) using the DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey (displayed into the console). Build the firmware ```bash export RIOTBASE=~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT (cd $RIOTBASE; git checkout 6bf6b6be6c4723b49f62550a35111e57b7426aa4) make binfile ``` Connect the board to the STLink according this [tutorial](https://github.com/CampusIoT/tutorial/tree/master/im880a) and then flash the firmware ```bash export RIOTBASE=~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT make flash-only ``` ## Setting DEVEUI APPEUI APPKEY By default, the DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey are forged using the CPU ID of the MCU. However, you can set the DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey of the LoRaWAN endpoint into the `main.c`. Optional : Configure the following parameters into the program file `main.c` : `FIRST_TX_PERIOD`, `TX_PERIOD`, `DR_INIT`, `ADR_ON`, `DEBUG_ON` and `SECRET`. ```bash make SECRET=cafebabe02ffffffcafebabe02000001 binfile ``` The AppKey can be recovered from the DevEUI (displayed at startup) and the SECRET (flashed into the firmware) with the command lines below: ```bash SECRET=cafebabe02000001cafebabe02ffffff DevEUI=33323431007f1234 AppEUI=33323431ffffffff SHA=$(echo -n $DevEUI$AppEUI$SECRET | xxd -r -p | shasum -b | awk '{print $1}') AppKey="${SHA:0:32}" echo $AppKey ``` The DevEUI, the AppEUI and the AppKey can be set by fixing DEVEUI APPEUI APPKEY into the `make` command ```bash make DEVEUI=33323431007f1234 APPEUI=33323431ffffffff APPKEY=f482a62f0f1234ac960882a2e25f971b binfile ``` ## Enable/Disable the GNSS module Edit Makefile or overload GPS and STD_BAUDRATE default values ```bash GPS=0 make GPS=1 STD_BAUDRATE=9600 make GPS=1 STD_BAUDRATE=56700 make ``` > if GPS is enabled, the console baudrate is 9600 b/s and not by default 115200 b/s. ## Enable/Disable the region duty cycle The region duty cycle can be enabled or disabled in the region file in `bin/pkg/im880b/semtech-loramac/src/mac/region`. For instance, `~/github/RIOT-OS/RIOT/build/pkg/semtech-loramac/src/mac/region/RegionEU868.h` for region `EU868` Enable region duty cycle ```c #define EU868_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED 1 ``` Disable region duty cycle ```c #define EU868_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED 0 ``` ## Console Connect the board TX pin to USBSerial port and then configure and start `minicom` or `Pyterm`. > if GPS is enabled, the baudrate is 9600 b/s. Else the baudrate is 115200 b/s. ```bash ll /dev/tty.* make term ``` or ```bash ll /dev/tty.* minicom -s ``` ## Downlink The application can send a downlink message to the endpoint throught your network server. Downlink payload can be used for * sending an ASCII message (port = 1) * setting the realtime clock of the endpoint (port = 2) * setting the tx period of the data (port = 3) ### Setup For CampusIoT: ```bash ORGID= BROKER=lns.campusiot.imag.fr MQTTUSER=org-$ORGID MQTTPASSWORD= applicationID=1 devEUI=33323431007f1234 ``` ### sending an ASCII message ```bash PORT=1 mosquitto_pub -h $BROKER -u $MQTTUSER -P $MQTTPASSWORD -t "application/$applicationID/device/$devEUI/tx" -m '{"reference": "abcd1234","confirmed": true, "fPort": '$PORT',"data":"SGVsbG8gQ2FtcHVzSW9UICE="}' ``` The output on the console is: ```bash main(): This is RIOT! (Version: 2020.04-devel-1660-gb535c) Secret:cafebabe02000001cafebabe02ffffff DevEUI:33323431007f1234 AppEUI:33323431ffffffff AppKey:f482a62f0f1234ac960882a2e25f971b Starting join procedure: dr=5 Join procedure succeeded Sending LPP payload with : T: 22.75 Received ACK from network Sending LPP payload with : T: 22.75 Data received: Hello CampusIoT !, port: 1 Received ACK from network ``` ### setting the tx period of the data ```bash PORT=3 mosquitto_pub -h $BROKER -u $MQTTUSER -P $MQTTPASSWORD -t "application/$applicationID/device/$devEUI/tx" -m '{"reference": "abcd1234","confirmed": true, "fPort": '$PORT',"data":"PAA="}' ``` > The new tx period is 60 seconds (3C00) > The epoch is a unsigned 16 bit-long integer (big endian) The output on the console is: ```bash ... Sending LPP payload with : T: 22.75 Data received: tx_period=60, port: 3 Received ACK from network ``` ### Setting the realtime clock of the endpoint ```bash PORT=202 PAYLOAD=FE0BF6FB4B mosquitto_pub -h $BROKER -u $MQTTUSER -P $MQTTPASSWORD -t "application/$applicationID/device/$devEUI/tx" -m '{"reference": "abcd1234","confirmed": true, "fPort": '$PORT',"data":"/gv2+0s="}' ``` > The time is the number of seconds since 06/01/1980 (GPS start time). It is unsigned 32 bit-long integer (big endian) LSBF The output on the console is: ```bash ... Received ACK from network Current RTC time : 2020-05-24 15:03:09 Last correction : 2020-05-24 15:00:49 Read temperature= 25.00 app_clock_process_downlink X_APP_CLOCK_CID_AppTimeSetReq Current time : 2020-05-24 15:03:44 RTC time fixed : 2020-05-24 16:08:43 sent_buffer: ``` > Remark: Chirpstack implements the [App Clock Sync Specification](https://lora-alliance.org/resource-hub/lorawanr-application-layer-clock-synchronization-specification-v100). The synchronization is done at the LNS level. ## Annexes ## TODO * [ ] Add a downlink message counter (uint16_t), the last downlink fCnt (uint16_t), last downlink RSSI (uint8_t), last downlink LSNR (int8_t) and GPIO_IN bitfield (uint8_t) into the uplink payload * [x] Downlink for configuring TxPeriod * [ ] Downlink for reading GPIO_IN * [ ] Downlink for setting GPIO_OUT (set or clear) for actuator control * [ ] Downlink for configuring the DRPWSZ_SEQUENCE * [ ] Downlink for configuring Confirmation * [ ] Downlink for rejoining (see Certification Test) * [ ] Downlink for setting ADR (see Certification Test) * [ ] Class C endpoint ? * [ ] Multiple ABP endpoints with DEVADDRS define ## Base64 utils Encode base64 ```bash echo 'Hello CampusIoT' | base64 echo '414243442045464748' | xxd -r -p | base64 ``` Decode base64 ```bash echo SGVsbG8gQ2FtcHVzSW9UCg== | base64 -d echo QUJDRCBFRkdI | base64 -d ``` ### IMST iM880a DS75LX Connectors


![Connector X1](https://github.com/CampusIoT/tutorial/blob/master/im880a/figs/CH340G-to-X2.png) Connector X1 ![Connector X2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CampusIoT/tutorial/master/im880a/figs/JTAG-to-X1.png) Connector X2 > Note: if you do not have an ST-Link v2 flasher, you can use the ST-Link part of a Nucleo board and connect the first 5 pins of the [CN4 SWD connector](https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/98/2e/fa/4b/e0/82/43/b7/DM00105823.pdf/files/DM00105823.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00105823.pdf) to the X1 connector of the IMST im880 board: |Nucleo CN4 SWD | IMST X1 | Color | |------------------------------------------|----|------------| | Pin 1: VDD_TARGET (VDD from application) | 15 | Red | | Pin 2: SWCLK (clock) | 1 | Brown | | Pin 3: GND (ground) | 16 | Black/Blue | | Pin 4: SWDIO (SWD data input/output) | 2 | Green | | Pin 5: NRST (RESET of target STM32) | 5 | Yellow |