# RasPi-Si5351.py A python2 library for setting the frequency of a Si5351 off the Raspberry Pi's I2C bus. ## Introduction This library is derived from Adafruit's si5351 library code at https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Si5351_Library The library requires python2 at the moment. Since the Adafruit_I2C.py library depends on python-smbus and this code uses that library, make sure you have the python2 package python-smbus installed: $ sudo apt-get install python-smbus Example python2 code: ``` from Si5351 import Si5351 si = Si5351() print "Set Output #0 to 13.703704 MHz" # vco = 25 MHz * (24 + 2 / 3) = 616.67 MHz si.setupPLL(si.PLL_A, 24, 2, 3) # out = 616.67 MHz / 45 = 13.703704 MHz si.setupMultisynth(0, si.PLL_A, 45) # uncomment to divide 13.703704 by 64 # si.setupRdiv(0, si.R_DIV_64) si.enableOutputs(True) ```