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#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Created on Tue Jan 11 2022 @author : ALKADRI Mohammad E-mail : """ import os import threading import time import socket import string import serial import numpy as np import test_10MHz from datetime import datetime import struct import subprocess from pwm_cli import * import one import ad deltaF0 = 0 deltaT0 = 0 fs=1.5e6 seuilpps=0.08*127*2; B=125e3; d=1/980; freq_int=1e4; longueur_chirps=8; def changePPS(x): dict_cfg = {} dict_cfg["oneshot"] = x try: pwm_cli_handler(dict_cfg) except: print("error PPS") time.sleep(1) def thread_TTN_Start(): time.sleep(1.4) os.popen("echo -n 'S' > /dev/ttyUSB2") def thread_TTN_Times(): os.popen("echo -n 'T' > /dev/ttyUSB2") time.sleep(8) os.popen("echo -n 'T' > /dev/ttyUSB2") def Data_RTL(): client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) ip=socket.gethostbyname("") port=1333 address=(ip,port) client.connect(address) N=0 i=0 Ntot=1500000*2*3 data=[] threading.Thread(target=thread_TTN_Start).start() while N<Ntot: data[N:N+1023]= client.recv(1024) N+=1024 client.close() if ((len(data)%2)==1): data=data[0:-1] x=np.array(data).reshape(-1) #x.tofile("xxxx.txt") print(len(x)) x=x[0::2]+1j*x[1::2] x=x-127-127j; return x def PPS(x): # identification des fronts montants des 1-PPS sur endpoint pps1=(np.absolute(x)>seuilpps).nonzero() dpps=np.diff(pps1,n=1,axis=1).reshape(-1) k=np.array((dpps>50).nonzero()).reshape(-1) ; # (fs*0.1)); % elimine les communications LoRa pps1=np.array(pps1).flatten() pps=np.array(pps1)[k.astype(int)]; """ k=(np.diff(pps,n=1,axis=0)>(fs*0.4)).nonzero() # elimine les fronts descendants k=np.array(k).reshape(-1) if k[0]==0: k=k[1:]; # cas ou` acquisition commence dans un PPS haut """ k=(np.diff(pps,n=1,axis=0)==300000).nonzero() k=np.array(k).reshape(-1) try: ppsep=pps[k]; # indice des 1-PPS sur ep except: ppsep=[1] if (ppsep.size == 0): ppsep=[1] print("ppsep = ", ppsep) print(type(ppsep)) return ppsep def Chirp_detect(x,t): ddd= x[int((t+1)*1e6):int((t+2)*1e6)] cc=[] cc[0:2000000]=np.fft.fft(ddd) sssr=[] sssd=[] cc=np.array(cc) ccris=np.fromfile('ccris.bin',dtype=np.complex128) ccdec=np.fromfile('ccdec.bin',dtype=np.complex128) N=0 sssr[N:N+len(ccris)-1]=cc[N:N+len(ccris)]*ccris sssr=np.array(sssr).reshape(-1) chirp_detect_ris=np.fft.ifft(sssr) sssd[N:N+len(ccdec)-1]=cc[N:N+len(ccdec)]*ccdec sssd=np.array(sssd) chirp_detect_dec=np.fft.ifft(sssd) chirp_detect=np.absolute(chirp_detect_ris)+np.absolute(chirp_detect_dec); seuil=0.65*max(chirp_detect); k=np.array((chirp_detect>seuil).nonzero()).reshape(-1); try: debut=int(k[0]-d*fs+(t-1)*1e6+2000000) # fin_ep1=k(end); % /!\ ATTENTION RISQUE D'AVOIR LES DEUX COMM except: debut=int((t-1)*1e6+2000000) print("debut =",debut) return debut def Time(x,debut,ppsep,t): global indice_pps xx=x[debut:(debut+int(d*fs*longueur_chirps))]; # transmission endpoint xx=np.fft.fft(xx) if t==1: ccy=np.fromfile('ccrisy.bin',dtype=np.complex128) print("ccy1") else: ccy=np.fromfile('ccdecy.bin',dtype=np.complex128) print("ccy2") y=np.absolute(np.fft.ifft(xx * ccy)); pos1=np.array((y>(max(y)/2)).nonzero()).reshape(-1); try: pos1=pos1[0]; # premier chirp except: pos1=1 yy=y[pos1:pos1+int(d*fs)] v=np.argmax(yy) print("np.max(y) ",np.max(y)) print("np.max(yy) ",np.max(yy)) print("v ",v) print("yy[v] ",yy[v]) if v != 1529: v= v+ 1/2*((yy[v-1]-yy[v+1])/(yy[v-1]+yy[v+1]-2*yy[v])) print("v ",v) t1=v+pos1 print("t1 ", t1) debut=pos1+v-1-1+debut if t==1: if (ppsep[0]<=debut): indice_pps=ppsep[(np.array((ppsep<debut).nonzero()).reshape(-1))[-1]] else: indice_pps=0 debut=debut-indice_pps # /!\ ecart premiere transmission print("debut = ", debut) pos2=pos1+6*1536 yy=y[pos2:pos2+int(d*fs)] v=np.argmax(yy) print("np.max(y) ",np.max(y)) print("np.max(yy) ",np.max(yy)) print("v ",v) print("yy[v] ",yy[v]) if v != 1529: v= v+ 1/2*((yy[v-1]-yy[v+1])/(yy[v-1]+yy[v+1]-2*yy[v])) print("v ",v) t2 = v+pos2 print("t2 ",t2) te= t2-t1 print("te ", te) return debut, indice_pps def TEP(): x=Data_RTL() pps=PPS(x) debut1=Chirp_detect(x,1) debut1, indice_pps= Time(x,debut1,pps,1) x[0:int(debut1+indice_pps+d*fs*600)]=0 print(pps) debut2=Chirp_detect(x,2) debut2, indice_pps= Time(x,debut2,pps,2) Tep=debut2-debut1 print("Tep = ", Tep) return debut1, Tep while (1): print("deltaT0 = ", deltaT0) print("deltaF0 = ", deltaF0) #os.popen("./litex_server --uart --uart-port /dev/ttyUSB1 &") print(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) debut1, Tep= TEP() time.sleep(5) threading.Thread(target=thread_TTN_Times).start() time.sleep(4) port = '/dev/ttyUSB2' ser = serial.Serial(port, 115200, timeout=7) Tgw=ser.readline() print("Tgw = ", Tgw) ser.close() print(len(Tgw)) if len(Tgw)>5: Tgw = Tgw[0:-1] Tgw=int(Tgw,16) print(Tgw) #Tgw=np.int32(Tgw) Tgw=struct.unpack('dd',Tgw.to_bytes(16,'big')) print("Tgw = ", Tgw) deltaT=(Tep-Tgw[1])/2 print("deltaT = ", deltaT) time.sleep(10) if ((deltaT<50) and (deltaT>-50) and (Tgw[1]> 1576500 and Tgw[1]<1576600)): dpps= int((debut1 -Tgw[0])*10/1.5)-2000 print(dpps) #os.popen(f"./ --oneshot {dpps}") changePPS(dpps) kp=2**32/25000000 deltaF= int(deltaF0+ (deltaT- deltaT0)*kp +kp*deltaT/2) print("deltaF = ", deltaF) deltaF0 = deltaF deltaT0 = deltaT #deltaF=int(deltaT/1.75) print("deltaF= ", deltaF) #os.popen(f"cd /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/ && echo {deltaF} out_altvoltage0_frequency0") deltaF=deltaF+int(np.fromfile('freq_AD.txt', dtype=int)) print("deltaF = ", deltaF) ad.asservissement(deltaF) deltaF=np.int64(deltaF) deltaF.tofile("freq_AD.txt") time.sleep(60) else: print("erreur du traitement") print("fin du cycle :)") time.sleep(10) else: print("Tgw = ", Tgw) time.sleep(10) |