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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Do not execute directly. Please execute Created on Tue Jun 8 16:37:22 2021 @author: Georges de Massol """ from gateway_http_downlink import Downlink from Endpoint import Endpoint import time from datetime import datetime import os import json import base64 APIKey = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcGlfa2V5X2lkIjoiYzA2ZGY1MDMtNjE5Zi00ZjI2LTgxNzEtYTU0OTRmMWJmYmRmIiwiYXVkIjoiYXMiLCJpc3MiOiJhcyIsIm5iZiI6MTYyMjY1MzMzMSwic3ViIjoiYXBpX2tleSJ9.23eLyvgd5zheP9hDM0acCAl9ojhQjLTZAU77IKqhvQY' server = 'localhost:8080' #just defining an instance to be used downlink = Downlink(server, APIKey) directory = '/home/pi/python/' State = 0 def WriteFile(body, event): filename = directory + "log/" + \ time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H-%M-%S") + '_' + event # in case of unexisting folder 'log' if not os.path.exists(directory + 'log'): os.mkdir(directory + 'log') # in case of already existing file : if os.path.exists(filename + ".json"): i = 2 while(os.path.exists(filename + '_' + str(i) + ".json")): i += 1 path = filename + '_' + str(i) + ".json" else: path = filename + ".json" f = open(path, "a") f.write(body.decode("utf-8")) f.close() print("file written : %s" % path) def step0(Tn, endpoint): global T2, State print("Last State sss : %s" % State) if State != 0: print("probable error : message unexpected :") print("Last State sss : %s" % State) print("Current State : 0") #reset() T2 = Tn State = 0 def step1(data, endpoint): global T3, State, dTg T3 = data State = 1 #time spent by gateway between uplink and downlink dTg = T3+1 print ("Tg : %s" % dTg.to_bytes(4, 'big')) downlink.FlushQueue(endpoint.EUI) # send all data for step 3 downlink.Lorasend(endpoint.EUI, b'\x01' + dTg.to_bytes(4, 'big')) def step2(endpoint, data): global State if State != 1: print("probable error : message unexpected :") print("Last State : %s" % State) print("Current State : 2") reset() State = 2 dTe = int.from_bytes(data, 'big') dTv = (dTe - dTg)/2 print("time of flight (samples number) : %s" % dTv) print("time of flight (microseconds) : %s" % (dTv * 0.0005)) ## 1 sample = 500ns def step3(endpoint): global State State = 3 #reset the endpoint reset(endpoint) def reset(endpoint): global State downlink.FlushQueue(endpoint.EUI) downlink.Lorasend(endpoint.EUI, b'\x55')#initialisation packet print("enpoint reset : %s" % endpoint.EUI) State = 0 def postcompute(event, body, Tn): print("D") global data print(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]) json_ = json.loads(body) endpoint = Endpoint() endpoint.EUIfromjson(json_) print("request from : EUI : %s" % endpoint.EUI) print("name : %s" % json_['deviceName']) # write json in a file WriteFile(body, event) print("event : %s " % event) print(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]) #treat all cases if event == 'up': #b64 to bytes data = base64.b64decode(json_["data"]) #bytes to integer integer = int.from_bytes(data, 'big') print("data received from Endpoint : ") print("base 64 : %s" % json_["data"]) print("bytes : %s" % data) print("int : %s" % integer) print() step = data[0] print("step : %s" % step) print("data : %s" % data[1:]) if step == 0: step0(Tn, endpoint) elif step == 2: step2(endpoint, data[1:]) else: print("error : uncovered step : %s" % step) reset(endpoint) print(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]) data = int.from_bytes(data, 'big') print("fin") elif event == 'txack': print("data sent to endpoint") if State == 0: step1(data, endpoint) elif State == 2: step3(endpoint) else: print('error : state %s not expected', State) reset(endpoint) elif event == 'error': print('error : ' + json_["error"]) else: print("possible error : uncovered event") print(body) reset(endpoint) print() print("Chirpstack server for downlink : %s" % downlink.server) |