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from abstract_instrument import abstract_instrument import serial #============================================================================== ALL_VAL_TYPE = ['PRE'] ALL_CHANNELS = ['1'] ADRESS = "/dev/ttyS0" #============================================================================== class TPG261(abstract_instrument): |
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def __init__(self, channels, vtypes, adress): |
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self.adress = adress |
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self.channels = channels self.vtypes = vtypes |
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def model(self): return "PfeifferTPG261" def connect(self): |
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print('Connecting to device @%s...' %(self.adress)) self.TPG = MaxiGauge(self.adress) print(' --> Ok') print(self.model()) self.configure() def configure(self): pass |
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def getValue(self): return "%s "[0].pressure def read(self): = self.TPG.pressures() def disconnect(self): self.TPG.disconnect() def send(self, command): pass # from Philipp Klaus, philipp.l.klaus AT class MaxiGauge (object): def __init__(self, serialPort, baud=9600, debug=False): self.debug=debug try: self.connection = serial.Serial(serialPort, baudrate=baud, timeout=0.2) except serial.serialutil.SerialException as se: raise MaxiGaugeError(se) #self.send(C['ETX']) ### We might reset the connection first, but it doesn't really matter: def checkDevice(self): message = "The Display Contrast is currently set to %d (out of 20). " % self.displayContrast() message += "Keys since MaxiGauge was switched on: %s (out of 1,2,3,4,5). " % ", ".join( map (str, self.pressedKeys()) ) return message def pressedKeys(self): keys = int(self.send('TKB',1)[0]) pressedKeys = [] for i in [4,3,2,1,0]: # It's got 5 keys if keys/2**i == 1: pressedKeys.append(i+1) keys = keys%2**i pressedKeys.reverse() return pressedKeys def displayContrast(self,newContrast=-1): if newContrast == -1: return int(self.send('DCC',1)[0]) else: return int(self.send('DCC,%d' % (newContrast,) ,1)[0]) def pressures(self): return [self.pressure(i+1) for i in range(1)] def pressure(self, sensor): if sensor < 1 or sensor >6: raise MaxiGaugeError('Sensor can only be between 1 and 6. You choose ' + str(sensor)) reading = self.send('PR%d' % sensor, 1) ## reading will have the form x,x.xxxEsx <CR><LF> (see p.88) try: r = reading[0].split(',') status = int(r[0]) pressure = float(r[-1]) except: raise MaxiGaugeError("Problem interpreting the returned line: %s" % reading) return PressureReading(sensor, status, pressure) def debugMessage(self, message): if self.debug: print(repr(message)) def send(self, mnemonic, numEnquiries = 0): self.connection.flushInput() self.write(mnemonic+LINE_TERMINATION) #if mnemonic != C['ETX']: self.getACQorNAK() response = [] for i in range(numEnquiries): self.enquire() response.append( return response def write(self,what): self.debugMessage(what) self.connection.write(what) def enquire(self): self.write(C['ENQ']) def read(self): data = "" while True: x = self.debugMessage(x) data += x if len(data)>1 and data[-2:]==LINE_TERMINATION: break return data[:-len(LINE_TERMINATION)] def getACQorNAK(self): returncode = self.connection.readline() self.debugMessage(returncode) ## The following is usually expected but our MaxiGauge controller sometimes forgets this parameter... That seems to be a bug with the DCC command. #if len(returncode)<3: raise MaxiGaugeError('Only received a line termination from MaxiGauge. Was expecting ACQ or NAK.') if len(returncode)<3: self.debugMessage('Only received a line termination from MaxiGauge. Was expecting ACQ or NAK.') if len(returncode)>2 and returncode[-3] == C['NAK']: self.enquire() returnedError = error = str(returnedError).split(',' , 1) print repr(error) errmsg = { 'System Error': ERR_CODES[0][int(error[0])] , 'Gauge Error': ERR_CODES[1][int(error[1])] } raise MaxiGaugeNAK(errmsg) #if len(returncode)>2 and returncode[-3] != C['ACQ']: raise MaxiGaugeError('Expecting ACQ or NAK from MaxiGauge but neither were sent.') if len(returncode)>2 and returncode[-3] != C['ACQ']: self.debugMessage('Expecting ACQ or NAK from MaxiGauge but neither were sent.') # if no exception raised so far, the interface is just fine: return returncode[:-(len(LINE_TERMINATION)+1)] def disconnect(self): #self.send(C['ETX']) if hasattr(self, 'connection') and self.connection: self.connection.close() def __del__(self): self.disconnect() class PressureReading(object): def __init__(self, id, status, pressure): if int(id) not in range(1,7): raise MaxiGaugeError('Pressure Gauge ID must be between 1-6') = int(id) if int(status) not in PRESSURE_READING_STATUS.keys(): raise MaxiGaugeError('The Pressure Status must be in the range %s' % PRESSURE_READING_STATUS.keys()) self.status = int(status) self.pressure = float(pressure) def statusMsg(self): return PRESSURE_READING_STATUS[self.status] def __repr__(self): return "Gauge #%d: Status %d (%s), Pressure: %f mbar " % (, self.status, self.statusMsg(), self.pressure) ### ------ now we define the exceptions that could occur ------ class MaxiGaugeError(Exception): pass class MaxiGaugeNAK(MaxiGaugeError): pass ### ------- Control Symbols as defined on p. 81 of the english ### manual for the Pfeiffer Vacuum TPG256A ----------- C = { 'ETX': "\x03", # End of Text (Ctrl-C) Reset the interface 'CR': "\x0D", # Carriage Return Go to the beginning of line 'LF': "\x0A", # Line Feed Advance by one line 'ENQ': "\x05", # Enquiry Request for data transmission 'ACQ': "\x06", # Acknowledge Positive report signal 'NAK': "\x15", # Negative Acknowledge Negative report signal 'ESC': "\x1b", # Escape } LINE_TERMINATION=C['CR']+C['LF'] # CR, LF and CRLF are all possible (p.82) ### Mnemonics as defined on p. 85 M = [ 'BAU', # Baud rate Baud rate 95 'CAx', # Calibration factor Sensor x Calibration factor sensor x (1 ... 6) 92 'CID', # Measurement point names Measurement point names 88 'DCB', # Display control Bargraph Bargraph 89 'DCC', # Display control Contrast Display control contrast 90 'DCD', # Display control Digits Display digits 88 'DCS', # Display control Screensave Display control screensave 90 'DGS', # Degas Degas 93 'ERR', # Error Status Error status 97 'FIL', # Filter time constant Filter time constant 92 'FSR', # Full scale range of linear sensors Full scale range of linear sensors 93 'LOC', # Parameter setup lock Parameter setup lock 91 'NAD', # Node (device) address for RS485 Node (device) address for RS485 96 'OFC', # Offset correction Offset correction 93 'OFC', # Offset correction Offset correction 93 'PNR', # Program number Program number 98 'PRx', # Status, Pressure sensor x (1 ... 6) Status, Pressure sensor x (1 ... 6) 88 'PUC', # Underrange Ctrl Underrange control 91 'RSX', # Interface Interface 94 'SAV', # Save default Save default 94 'SCx', # Sensor control Sensor control 87 'SEN', # Sensor on/off Sensor on/off 86 'SPx', # Set Point Control Source for Relay xThreshold value setting, Allocation 90 'SPS', # Set Point Status A,B,C,D,E,F Set point status 91 'TAI', # Test program A/D Identify Test A/D converter identification inputs 100 'TAS', # Test program A/D Sensor Test A/D converter measurement value inputs 100 'TDI', # Display test Display test 98 'TEE', # EEPROM test EEPROM test 100 'TEP', # EPROM test EPROM test 99 'TID', # Sensor identification Sensor identification 101 'TKB', # Keyboard test Keyboard test 99 'TRA', # RAM test RAM test 99 'UNI', # Unit of measurement (Display) Unit of measurement (pressure) 89 'WDT', # Watchdog and System Error Control Watchdog and system error control 101 ] ### Error codes as defined on p. 97 ERR_CODES = [ { 0: 'No error', 1: 'Watchdog has responded', 2: 'Task fail error', 4: 'IDCX idle error', 8: 'Stack overflow error', 16: 'EPROM error', 32: 'RAM error', 64: 'EEPROM error', 128: 'Key error', 4096: 'Syntax error', 8192: 'Inadmissible parameter', 16384: 'No hardware', 32768: 'Fatal error' } , { 0: 'No error', 1: 'Sensor 1: Measurement error', 2: 'Sensor 2: Measurement error', 4: 'Sensor 3: Measurement error', 8: 'Sensor 4: Measurement error', 16: 'Sensor 5: Measurement error', 32: 'Sensor 6: Measurement error', 512: 'Sensor 1: Identification error', 1024: 'Sensor 2: Identification error', 2048: 'Sensor 3: Identification error', 4096: 'Sensor 4: Identification error', 8192: 'Sensor 5: Identification error', 16384: 'Sensor 6: Identification error', } ] ### pressure status as defined on p.88 PRESSURE_READING_STATUS = { 0: 'Measurement data okay', 1: 'Underrange', 2: 'Overrange', 3: 'Sensor error', 4: 'Sensor off', 5: 'No sensor', 6: 'Identification error' } |